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This is a Beta! Alot of you don't seem to understand this!

(Topic created: Sunday)
Cosmic Ray
How many beta programs have you been in? I have to ask because a lot of you guys seem to have little to no understanding of this process. For them to even put a date on a stable release is brave on Samsungs part because delays in testing always happen. I would much rather this process takes longer for instead of releasing a "stable version" that is causing issues for the user. This process is something that takes patience and time. We already see the negative effects of software and games being rushed along in a lot of things. Especially video games. Just cause you want something now does not make the process faster or better in any way. If you think you can do this better, go make your own custom OS and release updates on a regular basis. Security updates and software updates for each device or major OS updates and drivers for your hardware just to name somen the parts of the process. I get it. You want a stable release, but dont have patience for the beta and updates. You should not have applied to beta if that's what you want. It is like wanting a perfect landscaped yard but not wanting to put the work in to get it.Things take time. We are not using apple devices that are on a limited number of devices. We are using something that is on many different devices, and they have to be re modified to work on each model.Wining about delays is not helping. If you're not helping, you are just getting in the way od a better release. If you want the newest version right away then go and buy the newest phone every year. The old saying you can have things Good, Fast or Cheap and you only get to choose two. And since this beta is free you only you get to choose between Good or Fast. I would choose good. If you want fast, go pick up a new S25 and be happy.
17 Replies
Black Hole
I've been in 4 betas and plan to be in oneui 8 beta
This was well said, it's nice to see someone who gets it !
Who gets what? Poorly researched points and misunderstanding of the whole situation and an illogical solution to the problem because the S25 doesn't even run a stable version of the software. I don't see how he got anything or provided any help to anyone else except for his ego. I also don't understand why anyone personally cares if people want to vent their feelings. You don't have to read it. You don't have to say anything about it. You don't have to like it. Yet so many people act like they are personally offended by stuff other people say and then they are complaining about other people complaining yet they are still complaining so aren't they just as guilty for the complaints about other people complaining? If you let people get to you and affect you that much that says a lot about you as a person and you literally have no life off of the internet because most people don't care and they don't egg on problems by making comments like you did. None of you get it. You are keyboard warriors with no life and you don't even have enough sense to research something before you say it or agree to it. Lol 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 what a joke
Cosmic Ray
Samsung does have different software on the S25, but it won't release it until July. 😅
Burner, did you miss the part where Samsung said they had already been working on this for 2 or 3 years before the beta started? I guess that's not important to the conversation. I guess it's also not important that if it was known to be so terrible and buggy still why release it as a beta and along every part of the process make random decisions that people don't understand and they feel let down and betrayed and broken trust and the S25 series isn't even running a stable version of the software yet. So I don't see what buying an S25 has to do with whatever point you are trying to make. You say buy a phone that doesn't even run stable one ui 7 and that's supposed to be the answer? The ignorance in this whole process and forum is astounding. You are berating people who complain yet the solution you offer isn't a solution because it doesn't even run the stable version. Do you really not get this is the 1st time Samsung has released a phone that doesn't even run their stable operating system? You see nothing wrong with that scenario? You are adding to the problem telling people who have a problem to go do something that won't fix the problem because it has the same problem. I swear no 1 researchs anything and they go on a rant and they are worse than the people they are complaining about. Yes, let me buy a brand new phone that isn't stable to appease you because you obviously know more than anyone else does because you provided a researched, thought out, solid solution that fixes everything. Lol 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Wow. I'm just speechless 😶 at the magnitude of ignorance and incompetency of people.
You can always drop out of the beta and switch to pixel phones!
I'm happy with the beta program so I have no reason to leave.
So if you are so happy why are you speaking in a forum and telling people to go to another phone brand? If you were so happy, you wouldn't care about people complaining but I have you figured out. You thrive on drama and problems and negativity and you create them or you insert yourself in the middle of a problem and make it worse. You are speaking in a thread that is basically telling people they don't have a right to say things. Do you understand how that makes you look? You have shown your character by everything you have done. I guarantee you the only reason you do is because you hide behind a screen. You have that barrier. You wouldn't speak to someone like this in real life and you wouldn't send a stranger dms talking about hugging them. That's so immature and so dumb and you wanted it to bother me but it doesn't because I don't know you. I know what your character is and what type of person you are but I won't allow anyone like you to affect me. You are ignorant and you show it more and more every time you say anything. You attempt to speak with intelligence but it's clear you have none. You also have no understanding of the actual problems that are going on and why people feel like they do but you don't care about that. You only want to be controlling, rude, immature, childish and creepy predatory behavior. Who sends another guy dms about hugging them when they don't even know each other? So you are showing who you are and you are showing how desperate you are for attention. You remind me of a stray dog. Except you are the kind that bites the hand that feeds you continually and you don't even realize what you are losing. You can ponder that because I wouldn't expect you to understand it quickly. You seem to be incapable of understanding much besides stupidity out of your mouth and drama and problems. You understand those very well. It's all good though. You always reap what you sow and there's always interest and it doesn't matter what you believe, you cannot escape the principle. Your beliefs have nothing to do with the truth about it. I have nothing else to say to you but I would warn you to be careful what you say because you really come across as a unbalanced, predator, maybe even to a point I don't have to say because implying it will be sufficient. And so you know I don't bluff I'm going to leave a little gift for you. Because you don't seem to believe me 1743007712628.jpg1743007712648.jpg
You clearly need a hug. I don't have an issue you have an issue and do nothing but whine like a little child. If you don't like what's going on with the beta then leave quit complaining about it.