Original topic:

300.00 certificate?

(Topic created: yesterday)
Fold & Flip Phones

Hello, all! In August I saw that samsung had some pretty good offers going on for the fold 6 - storage upgrade, good trade value, and 300.00 certificate to be used on something else. There weren't any limitations on the 300.00 or conditions listed other than it not being usable on the fold 6.


After my purchase I noticed there was no certificate so reached out to customer support and was told just that I would get the certificate 35 days after receiving my phone. Someone else told me the same when I reached out again 2 weeks later because I'd forgotten what the time frame was, lol. 37 days later, I'm told it will be applied automatically to a purchase (it wasn't when I tested it), and then this morning I get an email saying that the promotion didn't stack with a trade-in, so I won't be getting it.


The 300.00 was the deciding factor in pulling the trigger on an upgrade, so I'm a little miffed that this wasn't communicated in either the actual promotion verbiage or by the multiple folks I spoke to since.


Any recourse here?



4 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
Well if what you're saying is true and it's advertising you've got proof and you check through all of it and there was no limitations then they have to honor it it was advertised as such the no limitations and if you didn't get the fold 6 like you stated since that promotion wasn't usable on there then whatever parts they advertise that were true they have to honor it is in their advertising and in their disclaimers
Cosmic Ray
Fold & Flip Phones
I'm almost positive that when they offer additional credit like this, they force you to use it at the same time you purchase the device. To make it worse, they only allow you to use the credit toward items they show as "add-ons" before you check out.

They for sure make this intentionally confusing and don't make it clear that if you don't use the credit on those add-on items, then you lose the credit.

Maybe things have changed, but this exact thing happened to me when i bought the s23u or s24u (Actually, it may have happened on both)
Fold & Flip Phones

Yeah, if anywhere on there it would have said, "Use this now on another device" then I would obviously used it there and then. Cause... how can I purchase the Fold 6 and the get a gift certificate to use in the same transaction if part of the qualifying action to get the certificate is to buy the phone? lol what? 


Not to mention that TWO other employees told me I would be getting the certificate 35 days after the delivery of my device. Where did that info even come from? 

Fold & Flip Phones

I've also now gotten the transcripts from the conversation with customer service telling me that I will receive the certificate in my email after 35 days, so probably just going to forward it to a litigator and let them handle it out of principle.