Original topic:

Samsung Notes - S Pen to Text or Handwriting

(Topic created: 04-12-2024 04:12 AM)
Fold & Flip Phones
I personally love handwriting notes on my Fold 5 but I'm not always satisfied with my handwriting. šŸ˜† It would be cool if Samsung implemented a feature where you can upload font packs and convert your handwriting to that font style, most of which are in .otf or .ttf file formats. That allows you to really get the look you were going for with your notes in the first place. That would be an awesome feature!!
2 Replies
Fold & Flip Phones
Samsung will say, "Learn how to write in the style that you want it to look like. That's too much engineering for us to bother with." šŸ˜‚
Community Manager
Community Manager
Fold & Flip Phones

Hello, TheVampireRove. Thanks for being part of the Community!

Great news! You can actually convert handwritten text to the text font of your choice.

Download and apply your favorite font. Then use the steps in the following link to convert your handwritten notes. https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00087583/

Let us know if this helps.