Original topic:

Buds Pro3 High Pitch Sound

(Topic created: Sunday)
Galaxy Buds
Recently got the buds 3 pro and sometimes there is a high pitch sound. I notice most frequently when I take them out of the case and putting them into my ears. They do it no matter where I am or around. I have also noticed they have similar but not so bad feedback sound when I am doing yard work weedeating. And it's not just when I hit something odd that is on the ground it does it just during normal cutting of the grass blades. I have buds pro that do this and some Sony headphones that do not do this. I seriously started to get mad and started regretting upgrading from the first buds pro. As this is probably a issue with the mic I do not think any updates will fix it. I upgraded from my buds pro expecting a $300 price tag would not have this kind of issue. These are new on the market so not sure if others are having this issue and if so wondering what can be done about it.
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