Original topic:

Note 9 verizon won't activate with straight talk

(Topic created: 07-30-2024 04:13 PM)
Galaxy Note Phones
I have a note 9 that I tried activating before with straught talk after buying. It failed when I did it a year ago. On straight talks end they dY everything is fine that the phone is supported, is unlocked, is active.

I ended up just putting the sim back in my old phone but hung onto the phone for whatever reason. About two weeks ago I lost my phone right after paying my bill. I didn't turn it off right away and straight talk says they'll refund the time the phone wasn't being used.. 

So yesterday I had an idea to switch to this note 9 again. I know dumb but I can't really afford another phone right now. I Figure if it doesn't work at least I'll have the sim card that will work for when I get another phone. 

Same problem. Straight talk kept reassuring me that if I gave it a few hours everything would start working. It never did. Then they reassured me all I really needed was a Verizon straight talk sim kit. 

I tried telling them thats where this sim came from and that I've tried at least 3-4 different sime back when I originally made the purchase of the note .

They say its got to be the sim but I'm skeptical or course since I've been here already. 

Online I've found a vacation or different things it could be. 
 Looking for any direct suggestions we suggestions. 

I've been trying to try all the variations of things people suggested to others with similar types of problems but for those aren't ever exact same scenario problems.
 Whats frustrating is that straught talk really tried nothing. Especially when you see all the different techy ideas people who work in tech a re suggesting to others. 

All straight did was suggest few reboots and simple things to try between each and every one of them.. 5 or so times this went on. 

 I Have a laptop I could hook it uo to if it will be requiring that. I Iust Need go find the proper cable, along with my laptop charger. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ 

So people ANY and ALL ideas please . At this point idk if its a straight talk a Verizon or even a Samsung thing. 

Please help. šŸ˜”
12 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Note Phones
If it's Verizon prepaid only then you can't activate it if it's total by Verizon then you can
Galaxy Note Phones
Thanks for answering!!!
Idk what to think ! But if that's true that sucks alot. Its an unlocked Verizon phone I got off Amazon. It was being sold as eligible with any carrier prepaid included.

And straight talk ran the IMEI and ICCID number before activating (both times) and it always comes back as an eligible phone to use with them.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Note Phones
That unlock was a scam/lie
Galaxy Note Phones
But straight talk says it's unlocked.

They check that stuff before allowing you to switch service over.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Note Phones
Then it's straight talk side is messing up or it's the phone not giving them the correct information
Galaxy Note Phones
Its not meant to be a prepaid Verizon phone though. Its a paid off phone that was on a Verizon plan at one point and I bought it refurbished.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Note Phones
Did the seller go through Verizon for a few months/60 days tho because of they did the phone will be unlocked automatically if they didn't then you can't unlock the phone without using Verizon prepaid service for a few months /60 days
Galaxy Note Phones
Its a larger size company on Amazon that sells refurbished phones in mass quantity. Im not sure for this particular phone.

I do know before I bought it I read **bleep** loads of reviews doing as much research as I could on what phone to choose. Tbere.was multiple people who bought the same note 9 refurbished claiming they switched the phone to straight talk no problem.
IF I could keep my phone number I wouldn't even care and I'd drop straight talk. That's the only thing stopping me from just purchasing a Verizon prepaid phone card for this
. Ill likely have to give my number up and I don't want to go through that hassle again.
Galaxy Note Phones
Id imagine the seller purchases phones in mass to resell. That would make sense why in the reviews some notes did work for straight talk yet mine hasn't. Whoever they bought the phone from would be the only one who could answer that question. But again according to my phone company it is indeed unlocked and able to be switched. I have a feeling the problem is something with settings or updates. I found alot of users on other forums saying their note stopped working after certain newer updates

I'm loosing my mind trying a million things suggested on other forums. Especially since I'm not tech savvy at all šŸ˜’