Original topic:

Late notifications

(Topic created: 08-23-2024 08:10 AM)
Galaxy S23
S23 Ultra, I've searched the Internet and it appears an issue for years with various Samsung phone models, also various apps I think. Maybe other Androids.

Notifications only come pouring in and sound, after doing a biometric fingerprint unlock. If phone is opened, they come in normally and fast.

Specifically, Home Assistant notifications.
Example; If a door opens, send my phone a notification.

Yes, it could be the other app, but "seems" to be only related to Samsung in my recent searches.

Anyone have input on this issue?

I have every battery, sleep, run in background settings set.

I checked dontkillmyapp settings and will recheck.

I'll counter post in Home Assistant forum as well.
3 Replies
Galaxy S23
Further, the only thing I've found that seems to help for my notifications at night is a routine to turn on extra dim and stay awake in developer options. This issue also messes with Tasker autonotification intercept. I submitted a log and tried to explain it. It's been happening across various apps for several years when the screen is off for a few to several minutes, delayed notifications, no sound, until unlocked and screen open, then they pour in. Why other apps like Google messages etc. are not affected is unknown.
Galaxy S23

I have similar issues. Seems to be random but very annoying when I used to get a notification instantly on my S8 but since upgrading to an S23 it's not the experience I was expecting.  Thought everything should improve not get worse. Come on Samsung provide a fix and don't repost old links with your suggestions that don't fix the issue.

Galaxy S23
Yes, whatever the cause is, clamping down on valid notifications defeats their purpose.

I know that after 4 hours these new models sort of sleep and require authentication again to wake. But even asleep regardless of the desire to save battery, notifications should always come thru.

One of the only reasons I cling to a Samsung is modes and routines. Thats it.

What's actually that different than in other models? Not much.

And so, my fix of using dim and screen never goes off. Which may burn in, someday. That's at night where I use notifications in some security routines, Tasker, home assistant etc. Still testing.