Original topic:

Official Galaxy S24, S24+ & S24 Ultra, Shipping, and Feedback Thread

(Topic created: 01-31-2024 12:41 AM)
Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S24

Hello. Everyone that has Pre Ordered a Galaxy S24, S24+ or S24 Ultra, you can post any order or tracking updates here.

This thread is for Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra pre-orders!

Usually, we try to include the following information:

- Date ordered:

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.):

- Unlocked or Carrier variant:

- Model, storage capacity, Color:

- Did you trade-In:

- Estimated delivery date:

Then, once it ships, please come back and post an update with the same information above, but the actual stated shipping and delivery dates, and maybe even let us know once it's received. 



Here is my stuff:

- Date ordered: Jan 17th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:512GB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Galaxy S23 ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 31

The link to pre order: Pre Order Galaxy S24 Series 

1,001 Replies
Galaxy S24

Glad I didn't go through Best Buy.   I am surprised they still exist. 

I got my phone last Friday.  So far so good.

S24 and S21.
Galaxy S24
LOL @ "still exist"
Galaxy S24
I'm regretting color choice. The Titanium Violet isn't as purple as I would like. Probably should have gotten 1 of the exclusive colors. This is not something I would return it for and I always put a case on, so kind of doesn't matter. But all the cases I bought with the Samsung credit are the same color. Maybe will exchange a few, for a different color
Galaxy S24

- Date ordered: 1/19/24

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: unlocked

- Model, storage capacity, Color: Ultra / 1TB / Black

- Did you trade-In: Yes / s21 Ultra

- Estimated delivery date: Feb 14

Sadly when ordered it said Jan 31st to get it by, but after paying that date changed. I call that the bait and switch. Support told me I would get it by release date, but I would say that is not true since today is release day and my order just says preorder still. For the heck of it I went to check best buy and the website says I can get the same phone in store at an earlier date or shipped as fast as tomorrow. So not much I can say after reading that, I think everyone knows the thoughts running through my head.

Galaxy S24
I reserved, and then ordered, the S24 Ultra right after the Live Unpacked (as quickly as I could due to Samsung's site barely working). I was supposed to receive it on 1/31. I then was notified I would get it early (cool).

Then on the 27th I get a message in the app saying my shipment was delayed. On the 30th I contacted Samsung to see what was going on as I still had no estimated delivery date. UPS tracking shows they never even received the shipment. 

Samsung support tells me that they definitely shipped it and UPS has it and is the cause of the delay. So I contact UPS. UPS is adamant that they never received the package. They said it may have been lost since I told them I spoke to Samsung and they promised me they shipped it. Couldn't fill out a claim though because UPS says they never received it in their tracking. 

I call Samsung back and show them the chat log. The new rep tells me that actually my order has not shipped out and is still at the warehouse. This is due to "high demand". They still can't tell me when it will ship and just to wait. 

I then get an email from Samsung on 1/31, release day, saying that the reason my shipment is delayed is because of UPS and that it should resolve itself in a few days. 

So who is lying to me? Rep 1, UPS, and the email I just got, or Rep 2? Where is my stuff? At the warehouse? With UPS?Lost? Who knows! 

Terrible customer service to a loyal customer who spends thousands a year on Samsung products. And no accountability or anyone to complain to and no way to get real help. 
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
This happened to me last year. The truth is the Samsung reps are horrible at their jobs. Your phone is sitting in the warehouse and a label was made. Until you don't see movement on the UPS side the phone has not left. Don't keep calling like I did it gets you nowhere and highly aggravated.
Galaxy S24
Too late on the aggravated part lol.
Galaxy S24
I ordered mine on the 22nd and apparently they haven't even made the phone yet! My estimated delivery date is the 21st. Not what I expect when buying a $1,600 phone!
Galaxy S24
This year's model is selling better than Samsung expected, I bet. No other reason there have been so many issues with orders. They still don't know where my order is and I am working with the top tier service department.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

- Date ordered: Jan 19th

- Where did you order from (samsung.com, carrier, retailer, etc.): Samsung.com

- Unlocked or Carrier variant: Unlocked

- Model, storage capacity:S24 Ultra 1TB Titanium Black

- You can share your trade-in info, if you want: Trading Note10+ 5G

- Estimated delivery date: Jan 30th on original email, Jan 31st per second email (no updates from Samsung since Jan 19th)