Original topic:

Blu-ray player power cycling whenever plugged in

(Topic created: 06-28-2020 06:58 PM)
Home Theater

...it was working fine last night.

2,664 Replies
Home Theater

I gave my HT-J5550W player today to local Samsung service. Serviceman said that currently there is no fix for that but probably it is fixable by using some kind of "magic remote" and do the reset of the device using it. But Samsung needs to create those remotes with correct chipsets.

Home Theater

Did they give any idea on time scales?  Mine is hopefully being picked up this week, UK.

Home Theater

No, it depends of Samsung engineers.

Home Theater

I contacted Samsung by "chat" today (6/28/20) and chatted with a live technician. I asked when they were going to fix the blu-ray loop issue of the above home theater system referenced in my subject line. Here is what I was told to do (sorry, not an in-home or auto-update fix):


I have to send the unit (not the speakers) to Samsung. They made available a free UPS shipping label. I had to provide the following information:

Name, Phone # or #'s (they communicate via texting), Email, My shipping address (not a PO Box as it will be returned via UPS), Where I purchased (I couldn't remember but the tech let that slide, at the time), Model #, Serial #, When was a good time to contact me.


I got the UPS label right away via both email & text, and I printed it out. I also printed out a Return Service Customer Receipt. I was assigned a ticket #.


So, after doing all that, I got another text wanting a photo of the purchase receipt. That was not initially mentioned in what they needed, so the tech letting where I bought it "slide" was just temporary. Luckily I had my receipt (I bought in 2015) as I always keep those when I purchase items such as appliances, tech stuff, etc. (I'm a retired librarian; I can't help myself!) Through a link via the Samsung text I was able to upload an image of the receipt. (It appears that if you don't have a purchase receipt your request for repair could be cancelled. If you want to get it fixed and don't have a receipt,  call Samsung & work it out. Receipt or no, if you own the unit it should be fixed! And if you got it as a gift, how would you have a receipt?)  When I ship it I then have to let them know via this same link. I can also follow when the unit will be returned to me.


I'll box it up tomorrow (6/29) and send away. The tech I chatted with assured me that this problem will be fixed. Why Samsung doesn't post this process to everyone who has expressed their dismay through the Community, I don't know. Well, I do, but it's pretty cynical. Also, I asked 3 times if this is a "free" repair and I never got an answer. I'm sending in anyway and am not expecting to pay for this fix. Oh, and I also got a transcript of my chat. Just covering all the bases.


Hope this helps.

Cosmic Ray
Home Theater

No update till in India about this fix 😞

Here service center said they can't fix it as they don't have this model motherboard.

I have this model https://www.samsung.com/in/audio-video/blu-ray-home-entertainement-system-j5550k/HT-J5550KXL/

I hope they will do the same in India soon.


Home Theater

my rep didn't ask for me to provide the receipt, and that's probably a good thing since my memory goes in and out a lot and i have 0 clues where's i've done with it. lol

Home Theater

This is not helping and just frustrating. Who can we escalate the problem to to get answers. Am in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Home Theater

I am also in South Africa. I called the call Centre. They said they will get an expert to call me back. Not holding my breath. Will update should I hear anything from them. The south african samsung site service section has also been down for about a week. We have hen I asked them on Twitter for an update I was just pointed to the call centre🙄

Cosmic Ray
Home Theater

@Libcat802 wrote:

I contacted Samsung by "chat" today (6/28/20) and chatted with a live technician. I asked when they were going to fix the blu-ray loop issue of the above home theater system referenced in my subject line. Here is what I was told to do (sorry, not an in-home or auto-update fix):


I have to send the unit (not the speakers) to Samsung. They made available a free UPS shipping label. I had to provide the following information:

Name, Phone # or #'s (they communicate via texting), Email, My shipping address (not a PO Box as it will be returned via UPS), Where I purchased (I couldn't remember but the tech let that slide, at the time), Model #, Serial #, When was a good time to contact me.


I got the UPS label right away via both email & text, and I printed it out. I also printed out a Return Service Customer Receipt. I was assigned a ticket #.


So, after doing all that, I got another text wanting a photo of the purchase receipt. That was not initially mentioned in what they needed, so the tech letting where I bought it "slide" was just temporary. Luckily I had my receipt (I bought in 2015) as I always keep those when I purchase items such as appliances, tech stuff, etc. (I'm a retired librarian; I can't help myself!) Through a link via the Samsung text I was able to upload an image of the receipt. (It appears that if you don't have a purchase receipt your request for repair could be cancelled. If you want to get it fixed and don't have a receipt,  call Samsung & work it out. Receipt or no, if you own the unit it should be fixed! And if you got it as a gift, how would you have a receipt?)  When I ship it I then have to let them know via this same link. I can also follow when the unit will be returned to me.


I'll box it up tomorrow (6/29) and send away. The tech I chatted with assured me that this problem will be fixed. Why Samsung doesn't post this process to everyone who has expressed their dismay through the Community, I don't know. Well, I do, but it's pretty cynical. Also, I asked 3 times if this is a "free" repair and I never got an answer. I'm sending in anyway and am not expecting to pay for this fix. Oh, and I also got a transcript of my chat. Just covering all the bases.


Hope this helps.

Thank you.  I did this Saturday. I ALWAYS (sarcasm on myself) keep my receipts, but this one is invisible. I've checked my usual places but I don't have one.


My big issue is the passwords on the apps I have on it. There is a pattern and any smart person would figure it out. I can change the passwords but, I have about 80 others like that. Watched a YouTube where you pick a password, add a letter at the beginning or end that corresponds with the web site, A for Amazon, etc. Add numbers and a special character someplace easy to remember. 


Fudge on a stick.  So, do I call Samsung about the receipt issue, I know where but don't remember when and for some reason I didn't register it. I went looking for that also. I feel I should let it go, but they broke it.  (Big sigh!)

Home Theater

So sorry this "fix" isn't applicable for everyone, especially across the ocean. I don't do social media at all, so I don't know if starting some sort of Twitter thing about this would get Samsung's attention or not. They have certainly been mum about it all. I assume they must monitor this community discussion site in general, to try and keep some issues, like this one, from getting out of hand. I suppose one could call Samsung and ask to speak to a supervisor or manager? But if these "experts" are working from home, that might not work. My question now is: Does anyone know what actually happened? (Apart from the person who thought N. Korea had hacked or inserted some code at some point in time.) It reminds me of the Y2K scare, when the century turned. Luckily systems didn't break or shut down after the turn to the year 2000! But obviously some sort of code went haywire.

I sent my unit in today. I'll let you know what happens when (if?) I get it back. If it still isn't working, I'll chalk it up to one of those life experiences and look for a new unit, and it will NOT be a Samsung! As far as needing a receipt, just say you got it as a gift. I mean, why ask? If you own it, are using it, have the serial #, just fix the d**n thing! Samsung's response has been very disappointing and, quite frankly, unprofessional, and I'm being kind here as this is a community discussion! C'mon! Own up to it guys!
