Original topic:

Changing back to the keyboard handwriting like it was

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Samsung Apps and Services

Hey Samsung, 

So when are you going to change your keyboard handwriting UX back to the way it was on the Galaxy S10?
This 👆🏼 was such much more intuitive than this 👇🏼
You used to allow users to strike lines or scribble through the handwritten text above to delete content if a mistake was made. The buttons on the right side also didn't get in the way. At least allow users to customize which layout they like. Or show KeysCafe to customize this keyboard UX as you do with the regular keyboard. 
Also, while we're on the topic of handwriting, what is with the changes to Handwriting To Text within Samsung Notes? I appreciate the addition of "Clean Up Handwriting" but the new Convert To Text is broken. 
What is this?!
So we can convert handwriting to text but what if we need to convert an entire page worth of handwriting to save as a Word doc?
We are forced to either add the converted text to a page placed before the current page of handwriting, or to an entirely new note?! How does that make any sense? Why can we no longer simply convert the handwriting on the current page to text that remains on the current page? Who is in charge of making these changes? Are there actually enough users asking for these changes or do you enjoy removing features and ruining your devices' user experience?
Please fix these changes and being back the useful features you keep removing. 
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