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More customization options, please!

(Topic created: 01-08-2025 07:18 PM)
 ONE UI 7 beta has been good so far,not too many bugs and some great QOL improvements in the UI but I feel like we're still missing some stuff. I feel like we should have different animations and different styles when it comes to the fingerprint unlock icon. We should have way more clock options and perhaps more customizable clocks and backgrounds which I have seen on Oxygen os 15. We should be able to move clocks( digital style) behind a picture for instance to make it seem more dynamic. I feel like we should have way more options introduced to the home up module as well and have that be the place where we can have more options like changing the battery style,it's color etc... I feel like We have gotten very little so far and I hope the beta doesn't end with just newer faster animations,new icon styles, new battery indicator, and that's it, We need( or atleast i need )a bit more customization options to make one ui 7 feel worth the upgrade and not just another small update. Yes I know we're in beta 3 and We have the now bar and we still have more betas to go but I just feel like one ui 7 is lacking some things which should be added to make it feel like a "worth it" update. In addition to this i feel like regular notifications(messenger,instagram,etc..)should pop up as an active notification on the top left on the bar when it first appears and then disappear with a smooth fading or transparent animation( just an idea since the now bar is a thing). PLEASE comment if you feel like more should be added,I would love to see your thoughts below. So far I do like the beta and what it it has to offer but it's just not enough for me especially when I see the customization options that other OS have( i love my s24 ultra and love the ui). 

This is what i mean by moving the clock behind a picture!
 We should also have more unlock animation styles, More fingerprint icon styles, more app icons styles like the translucent one they have in the beta download picture etc...
5 Replies
I agree we do need more customization options, but from what I heard a lot of these might just come in Goodlock modules rather than a base update. There is already animation tuning being worked on for Home Up and probably a lot more things
Thanks for the link,I do remember hearing about the home up update,I'm just impatient. I really hope we see that soon. Can't wait for the new add ons!
Home up only has animation tuning and I agree that we need different animation styles, especially the fingerprint unlock. Oneplus has so many different animations for their unlock its amazing we still haven't gotten this. Also we should be able to change the texture of transparent UI elements to look like glass/acrylic/mesh like we can with the volume slider in Flex Volume UI
Beta Moderator


Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback and creative ideas! It’s great to see how much thought you’ve put into enhancing the One UI 7 experience. Your suggestions around increased customization and dynamic design elements, like additional fingerprint unlock animations, more clock options, and the ability to integrate clocks dynamically with backgrounds, are both innovative and practical. These features could certainly make One UI feel more personalized and engaging.

Your point about Home Up having more options, such as customizing the battery style and colors, is also very compelling. Giving users more control over these visual elements could go a long way in making the interface feel fresh and exciting. Similarly, the idea for smooth animations for notifications and active alerts fits perfectly with the vision of a polished and modern UI.

While the current beta has introduced some great improvements, it’s feedback like yours that helps identify areas where further enhancements can be made. We’ll make sure your suggestions are shared with the development team for consideration as they refine One UI 7.



One UI Beta Team