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White Quick Panel Icons, Font, Lone Battery option in Settings, And More

(Topic created: 08-11-2023 12:16 PM)
The White Quick Panel Toggles are an absolute eyesore. I added a theme which turned them back to blue. GoodLock will let me fine tune it but Out of the box though, this is eye searing and bad. 

The font is horrific. Please change it back. Once again another install needed, Samsung Sans is very close to the old font but once again, out of the box the font looks bad. 

Also please add an option to fully expand quick panel from further down the right side of the screen. Up at the clock is too high to be convenient. Might as well just double swipe like normal.

Pulling up Recent Apps frequently causes the windows to overlap and crash. Not sure if it's relevant but this is using 'EdgeTouch' in GoodLock.

For the Wifi icon in the status bar, it would be nice if the '6' and '6e' were slightly colored to make it stand out a bit more. 

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD add an option or GoodLock module to make the volume panel/sliders ALWAYS be expanded. 

Lastly, what's up with the lonely Battery option in Settings? Why isn't it grouped with device care? If I click device care the battery option is also in there but this is a bit odd. 


On the flip side, I am rather impressed with the polish of this first beta. I've been with you for numerous Betas and this is the first one where major things are not broken. That's not a diss, it's a complement on the readiness of OneUI6. 

Quick Panel is nice, everything in one spot, better customization for both closed and expanded. 

Security And Privacy is an awesome overhaul. Much cleaner and everything at the ready and at a glance. 
The new Block Unknown Apps section is a nice addition for those needing it, like elderly or less tech savvy to avoid malware disasters. 

Temporary Mute in Sound Settings is a nice new feature. 

Am curious as to how much and what exactly 'Advanced Intelligence Options' in Camera does to images. Please release detailed documentation and comparisons of pictures what it does at each level. 

Overall pretty pleased with the result. 


Final side-note, HURRY UP😉 with the GoodLock modules. Some are still working despite being inaccessible, others don't work at all. I know that's never been a top priority during Samsung Betas but please change that. 

GoodGuardians is surprising fully functional. 

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3 Replies
Unfortunately all of my GoodLock modules were disabled after installing One UI 6 Beta. I'd gotten so used to how I had my phone setup because of GoodLock that I hadn't realized how much of it wasn't how One UI normally is. I know it sounds a bit petty, but the distraction and unfamiliarity of my phone without the changes I was able to make through GoodLock is honestly preventing me from enjoying One UI 6 Beta. I hope they bring the modules online much quicker than they did with the One UI 5 Beta.
IMO I think the modules are as important as the beta because they can integrate so deeply and alter functionality they should be tested alongside the beta.

But I'm with you. The modules change the entire feel and not having them feels foreign.

As mentioned, fortunately(?) some of my modules modifications carried over. Like Registar, most of my changes are saved. Volume panel changes are saved. But I can't go and change or tweak anything.

But anyway, hopefully a Beta Community manager sees this and passes along the importance of GoodLock during the Beta.
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