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One UI 5.0 Impressions

(Topic created: 10-19-2022 05:44 AM)
As we approach the stable release, I'd like to say that so far, I'm mostly impressed. There were days my S22 Ultra used to stutter a bit, and animations were laughable on the One UI 4, but so far my phone has been buttery smooth and since Beta 3 I haven't had any issues at all. This current beta made things silky smooth, so I think Samsung deserves tons of credit for it. I hope they keep working on it. 

While I know my experience isn't that of all of y'all, I think the fact that posts on this app are so scare compared to betas in previous years, I think that's a good indication that it is the case for most. 

I wish we had more customization, but the bits we got are useful and fun. I still pains me that Samsung didn't even include Android 13's most exciting feature, the dynamic media player which looks so fun, and so modern. So Samsung, if you're reading this, keep it up, and keep listening to your customers. The Pixel, not the iPhone, is your biggest threat at the moment, and I've seen a trend that people think of Pixel when they get mad at Samsung. All I'm saying is, listen to your customers. 
16 Replies
You paid 179 for your S22U? 🙄
"the Pixel is Samsung's biggest threat"
Bruh you got me in stitches
Samsung's biggest threat isn't the Pixel, which looks like a fine device, but it's sales are nowhere near a concern at this point. The biggest threat to any company is complacency. It's ok that there weren't huge changes this year, but if it stays exactly the same again next year, you run the risk of becoming "old news". In my opinion, which some will disagree with (which is ok), the biggest changes I would like to see Samsung make in future devices are charging technology, and battery life. I also believe that many of Good Locks features should just be built-in to the device. And finally, little things like, why for the love of all that is holy, do I need things like TWO built in text messaging apps. Either switch to Google and ditch Samsung messages all together, or ditch Google and improve Samsung messages.

Over all though, the device and software have been great
Not applicable
I unfortunately cannot agree with some of your observations. In my opinion, OneUI 5.0 really does not deliver all that much. I just came from the Verizon store and played around with the new Pixel 7 Pro, and I was blown away by how smooth and fluid the user experience was. So if Google can achieve that on inferior hardware, why can Samsung not do the same thing? I still experience a lot of stuttering all over the UI. I tried out the voice dictation on the Pixel 7 Pro, and the accuracy was way above what Samsung can deliver. Took a few pics with the Pixel, no shutter lag, no stutter. Samsung really needs to up their game, or else I will jump ship and switch to a Pixel phone. I have been with Samsung ever since I can remember, and have gone through all the iterations from basic flip-phones, to Symbian, to Bada (was that a thing in the US?) and through every single flagship Android, but there comes a point where one begins to wonder whether Samsung has simply plateaued and this is all they are able to deliver. Let's be honest here and admit that in terms of pure hardware power there really isn't much more than one can demand ‐ this phone has more RAM than my laptop. At this point it's about the software and how well different devices play together. Samsung has never really excelled in sw development, years ago Google jumped in and helped them along greatly, but it seems their enthusiasm has died down as of recently and the progress has not been as noticeable. When I even look at how my normal bug reports get "addressed " via the Samsung Members app, I can clearly see a degradation in the quality of responses. Previously I would get decent quality responses and would even help troubleshoot further, ever since Corona hit us, it's taken a turn for the worse, and I mostly get canned responses that mean very little. I think that's speaks volumes about where Samsung currently is and about the state of things. As much as I hate to say it, I was truly impressed by Pixel 7 Pro, and see it as a formidable competitor. Samsung better wake up and start hiring better devs.
Please learn to use paragraphs. Your post is hard to read.

Also, just go ahead and buy the Pixel, you appear to have convinced yourself that the Pixel is worthy of your money.
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Your biggest threat in a market isn't always so obvious, and t isn't always your biggest competitor. When you think about the smartphone market, most people tend to choose either an iPhone or a Samsung. Over the years, there's been other manufacturers who've had momentum, but most end up failing. Think of Motorola, HTC, and even Huawei dominance seems to have eroded in recent time. People who are upset with Samsung aren't all gonna go to the iPhone (some will) but most will go to the next best thing on the Android side and with less exciting and less compelling offerings in the Android world, I propose that the Pixel, not Samsung and not even Apple will appeal to these users. While Pixel sales are very low compared to that of Samsung and Apple, they are appealing to many customers (Pixel sales are up by more than 300% over the past year) and while it is very arrogant, and condescending (albeit, quite accurate) to look at these numbers compared to its competitors, ignoring trends, dismissing a potential threat is extremely asinine. The history of the smartphone is full of big brands who once dominated and sre now a thing of the past. Nokia, Blackberry, Motorola, HTC, and even LG are good examples. Never underestimate a competitor, no matter how small they are. Wasn't it the BB CEO who once thought the iPhone would be a colosal failure? Unsurprisingly BB also underestimated Android. If we browse through forums, many Samsung owners who seem discontented tend to look to the Pixel, even though they're just flirting with the idea. That means the Pixel is doing something good. My point in all this is that Samsung shouldn't rest on their laurels and dismiss the Pixel as a small threat because should trends continue, I think the Pixel line will thrive and pose an even threat to Samsung.