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Lag and Freezing

(Topic created: 09-23-2023 08:42 AM)
Honestly, I'm getting to the end of my patience with Samsung and their software. For the longest time and still today, I love what my Galaxy products can do and the way they work. I love the features offered by Samsung. The thing that I really can't stand is the constant freezing and lag on these devices. I have an S23+, an S95B OLED, a Tab s8 Ultra, a Galaxy Watch 5, and basically every other Samsung products you can think of because I like them and the way they work together but, the only products that don't lag or freeze daily are my GalaxyBook 3 Pro 360 and my Galaxy Buds 2 Pro. 

My phone even before this beta freezes and lags when put under minor stress like Google maps open with YouTube or if I'm running Android Auto the phone just falls apart. I have to reboot it by force sometimes because it gets stuck on 1 frame and refuses to load the app it is supposed to. My Tab S8 Ultra can handle drawing and basic rendering but if I want to watch YouTube and play some wild rift, it has a problem. My S95B I found ran very slow because of the hundreds of ads constantly consuming ram on the home screen hub and there is no way to remove all the movies that show at the bottom of the screen. It's like Samsung adds so many great features and then through poor software optimization and terrible partnerships with ad companies it ruins the great things it builds. It annoys me to no end.

 I am truly considering ditching at least my Samsung phone and going with a Pixel or iPhone because my jobs require me to use my phone for driving and general work so I need something that won't freeze up on me at the most important times. When I pick up my Pixel 3 which doesn't get updates anymore and yet it still runs perfectly smooth with no lag or stutters or my 2nd gen iPhone SE that never lags or stutters and is just as smooth as my Pixel and both of these are old and pretty cheap phones by comparison, how is it that my $1000+ phone has this problem when a $60 and $300 phone have magically solved it? It is beyond baffling to me and makes me wonder what goes on over at Samsung HQ. Do the executives just not care about quality or how the brand is perceived?

 I know many people with Samsung products that say the same stuff. They love the product, but the basic function does not meet the standards of even the cheap rivals. It's sad and embarrassing. This is why I'm telling the One UI dev team again that there are many of us who want new features and I get it, but those new features really need to be put on hold until the more pressing issue of device stability and UI smoothness is fixed and AT LEAST as good as the Pixel and iPhone. One last thing, it's also crazy that both the Pixel and iPhone run at 60HZ but feel smoother and more responsive than my S23+ running at 120HZ and 240HZ touch response. FIX IT PLEASE FOR THE FINAL TIME. 
11 Replies
Your on beta software, chillout💀 There's going to be problems. If you don't want the bugs, uninstall the software and go back to One UI 5. we understand what you're saying, but it's beta software, it tells you this before you install it. then it tells you again after.
Cosmic Ray
Google maps slowing down to crawl is not beta issue. It's Samsung issue. On my s23 ultra pre beta. Opening Google maps is death sentence. Everything takes forever to load and stutters.
Ok. But that's not normal behavior - at least not for me.

Have you done basics to troubleshoot? like clearing Maps data and cache? uninstall/reinstall?
I opened google maps today and for the 3rd time this week, it caused my phone to go completely black and I had to do a hard reset to get the phone working again. THAT is an example of something annoying but also very disruptive. Like I said before, I am fine with beta bugs and don't have a problem reporting them, but this has been a problem on Samsung devices in particular for over 2 years. It's what I'm referring too when I say the software optimization is far behind Google and Apple. When people continue to defend Samsung it does not do our phones or the devs any favors. Being honest about our phones problems makes it easier for devs to solve them and sometimes you do have to be a bit over the top for them to finally fix the things that need fixing.
Also my post specifically mentions the lag and glitches occurred both during and before the beta so it's not limited to the beta as much as I wish it was.
Clear partician cache.

Never had any of the issues you report, beta or stable.
If your phone is still in warranty, might think about getting it replaced.
Cosmic Ray
You should just go try another device. You don't need to make a speech here to announce you want to see if grass is greener on the other side. Just report the bug. It's not that serious. It's a phone.
No that wasn't my point. The point is these are expensive phones and we should be picky about "small things" because when enough small problems stack up, they lead to a large inconvenience over the day. This wasn't meant to be an apple or pixel fan boy raving but rather a long time Samsung users discontent with Samsung's software team and their attention to detail. Many people myself included always brush these things aside but in doing so, we inadvertently create a worse user experience for ourselves.
Trust me when I say, I've used and defended Samsung phones for many years and I am a techie so I've been able to put up with the small things for a long time. I'm not trying to hate on Samsung but like I said in the post, it's not acceptable for a $60 Pixel to be lag free and a $300 iPhone to be lag free but my $1000+ flagship Samsung is laggy. Also, I did mention that the lag and issues persist even when not in betas. I have had these issues across multiple Samsung flagships including the foldables and tablets over many years. I've been on the same boat defending Samsung while offering some points of improvement but they have not been aggressive enough in my opinion when it comes to ensuring a smooth and clean experience. I'm done trying to sugar coat the problems. As respectively as possible of course 😉.