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I don't understand some things

(Topic created: Tuesday)
I'm having very improved battery life on mine since the beta 4. I really don't understand if they can improve your battery life by whatever updates they send Ota why don't they give their phones the best battery life it can possibly have? That's what I don't understand. If they are able to release 1 beta and it's horrible drain then they release 1 and it's so much better and drains slower no 1 can say they can't give us the best battery life since the batteries aren't increasing in size despite them "supposedly" doing away with the 3.5 mm headset jack and SD card for a bigger battery. Yet it hasn't gotten any bigger the last 3 or 4 years and the least they could do would be to give Ota things to make it the best it can be going forward. Not 1 beta to the next. This is what baffles me. They can do it, clearly, but they choose not to. So we get stuff like them taking away things by force and they change things the vast majority of people didn't want, like no Bluetooth s-pen on the S25 or no memory card capability but still a sim tray that would be the same size if they put SD card capability on the other side. They said they removed the s-pen Bluetooth capabilities because only 1 percent of customers used it regularly if I remember correctly and how does taking it away benefit any customer? It doesn't just like the other things didn't but it's either don't have it or don't upgrade and they want you to upgrade and it's actually a downgrade to the S25 and the S25 one ui 7 isn't even stable. They could have made some improvements to the software and ui and worked on it for another year and released it next year. I just feel like customers and beta testers get treated like we aren't important and Samsung wonders why the S25 sales aren't like they normally are? I mean it's not difficult to figure it out. Quit forcing what you want on us and so many people don't want what you want us to have. 

I also see people in here talking about people complaining about the beta testing taking so long and they don't think people should complain and they don't care what software version they have or they tell people to be patient and their feelings aren't valid. That's powerful hypocritical to say if you are in the beta testing. If you don't care about the software why beta test and why participate. Wait for the stable version if "it doesn't matter to you what software you have." If someone didn't care they wouldn't be in the beta testing. I have been in the past 3 or 4 and it is slow and absolutely ridiculous the amount of time it's taking and Samsung not telling us anything concrete. 

Also they have been testing this for 2 to 3 years. Which is it? 2 or 3. I don't understand why that's a difficult thing to know, especially from the company doing and developing it. You don't know how long you have actually been working on a major ui overhaul? Sure. Makes perfect sense 
13 Replies
I don't understand why they don't treat us like customers who matter and what they want is important. You missed the point of my post completely
And most of your comments to people are negative. So anything you say I don't really put stock in it because you have a negative vibe and I went through your comments and I see the type of person you are so I'd appreciate it if you don't say anything to me. I'm not negative and you speak to many people rudely and negatively and I'm not interested in negativity. So I'm not interested in anything you have to say.
Beta Moderator

Hello @ImRyan,

We understand your frustration, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts in detail. The Beta process can be a challenging experience, and we recognize that delays, feature changes, and communication gaps can be frustrating for long-time Samsung users like yourself.

The goal of the Beta program is to collect real-world feedback to refine One UI 7 before its final release. This sometimes leads to adjustments that can improve the experience but also means that certain features are tested, modified, or removed based on usability, performance, and technical considerations. While we canā€™t speak to every business decision, we want to assure you that user feedback is being taken seriously and shared with the relevant teams. 

We also want to emphasize that every user in this community has different perspectives, and discussions can sometimes become heated. Letā€™s keep things respectful so we can continue working together to provide meaningful feedback that benefits everyone. If there are specific areas where you feel improvements can be made, we encourage you to share them constructively, as this is the best way to ensure your voice is heard.

Thank you for being part of the Beta program, and we truly appreciate your passion for making Samsung products better.

One UI Beta Team



Thank you very much and I will say even though it's taking longer this is the smoothest and best beta experience I've been in despite some assuming it's the opposite of that and I believe I've said that in the forums on more than 1 occasion. I can't wait to experience the final build. It's exciting to see what it will be