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Developers of One UI 6: Please Read

(Topic created: 08-23-2023 01:06 PM)
S23 Plus. Running the One Ui 6 Beta. Love it so far. I have a few suggestions for making it better. 

1. Can you make the status bar font size the same size as the app font size on the home screen? Status bar font size is a little too big. If I match up the font size in settings, the home screen app font size is then too big. I have to go to delevolper settings and set the dpi default from 411 to 435, and my font size from 3 to 4. Then the status bar font and app font size looks closer to being similar, but not perfect. Doing this though will zoom out some apps like Google Discovery and then shows black Bars on the sides, so I set it back to 411. Just make a status bar font size option in the font settings. 

2. Home Screen Icon size. One UI 6 increases the icon size of the homescreen. I wish the icons on my home screen were a little smaller. Would be nice to have a small, medium, large option for icon size on homescreen and app drawer. 

3. Always on widgets. Would be nice to have a few widgets like weather, clock, google, have the ability to always be displayed at the top, middle, or bottom of the screen, no matter what part of the home screen you are on. 

4. Full Album Art from apps playing on lock screen. Might be hard to design, but would be cool to have various music or media apps like podcast to display the album art covering the full lock screen like a wallpaper when media is being played. 

5. Keyboard expand / hide button placement. It's always on the left side. Give an option to set it on the right side. Some people set their navigation bar buttons so that back is on the right. Would make sense for those people to allow them to exit the keyboard using the button on the right. (I don't think you can change this currently, because I haven't found a way to do that.)

My list of five things that i think could improve One UI 6 from only using it for about an hour.

If you have your own suggestions, add them here.
3 Replies
That's true
Did you post this in the beta feedback portion also. Please do so they can really consider making these changes
Beta Moderator

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
Your suggestion has been communicated to the developer and the development project manager is reviewing the content. After reviewing your suggestions, we will apply them to the official version if your proposal matches our concept.
We appreciate your contribution to the beta program.

One UI Beta Team