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A15 Android Auto not connecting

(Topic created: 12-10-2024 07:12 PM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I purchased a Samsung a15 yesterday. I could not get it to work with Android Auto in my car. Samsung has Auto Blocker in their settings. This prevents me from using my phone with my car for GPS, hands free texting, hands free calling and other things I need to do being connected to my vehicle. Even though Samsung intentionally did this they did not even have the courtesy to include a "data" usb cable in the box with the phone. I want the Auto Blocker to be removed or Samsung to provide me with a "data" usb cable that allows the phone to work in my car with usb. I was on the phone for over 2 hours with tech support asking them to send me a cable. They refused. 

8 Replies
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
A Series & Other Mobile

@jdinstpetebeach Why not turn off Auto Blocker? 

Phone settings -> Security and privacy -> Auto Blocker

Auto Blocker is enabled on my phone and GPS, hands free texting, hands free calling all work for me in my car. 

Samsung includes a data cable with every phone. It is typically in a piece of cardboard in the lid of the box. 

A Series & Other Mobile

I turned Auto Blocker off. However Android Auto still will not work. I don't know if a high speed data cable will make it work. I don't even know which cables are high speed on Amazon. The data cable that came with my phone is a USB A to USB A cable. I need a high speed USB A to USB C cable. Samsung will not send me one even though they created this issue. 

I am trying to get on the lawsuit that has been file against Samsung and Google regarding Auto Blocker. I would never have bought this phone if I knew about Auto Blocker. 

The customer service people I talk with for over two hours yesterday would not help me at all. Samsung used to be great with their customer service. Now they don't care. It would cost them nothing to send me a cable that would work with my phone and Android Auto. Instead they won't take ownership of the issues they caused. 

I recently purchased Samsung refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer from Best Buy. I am thinking about returning all of them and going with LG instead. In the future I will definitely not purchase Samsung products because of how they are treating me over a $200 cell phone. 

A Series & Other Mobile

Hola! pude solucionar el problema, no alcanza con deshabilitar Auto Blocker, en la misma pantalla mas abajo en avanzados tambiƩn deshabilita "Bloquear actualizaciones de sofware mediante cable USB"

Espero te funcione como a mĆ­,



Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile

I have no problem using Android Auto in my car when connected via usb cable. And I have a traditional low speed usb A/C cable, running off a usb 1.0 port (old car). I have never turned auto blocker on and the phone comes with it off by default.

Of course my phone is also connected to the car's BT, so maybe my calls are connecting through BT rather than AA, I never thought to examine the issue.

To figure which cables are high speed, they either say so, or have a rating of 25 watts or better.

I don't know why anyone would sue over a feature that is for their own protection, is not required to be used, and can be turned off.

Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
Are you sure your car is capable of utilizing AA?
A Series & Other Mobile
Might be a car issue tho, and it might be obvious but some cars don't have wireless android auto even if they are 2024, and you don't need a high speed cable to use android auto
A Series & Other Mobile

Same for me. No matter what I do I cannot connect AA to my car.

Worked perfect on my a22 but now I've upgraded to a15 it doesn't work.

I even bought a wireless AA adapter but that won't connect either.

A Series & Other Mobile
I'm having the same problem with my A15 not connecting to Android auto. Just bought a brand new 2025 Honda Accord. It won't connect USB c to USB c. I know it's not the car because one of the service guys connected to the same cable and Android auto popped right up. Is it the 14.0 that it runs on. It kind of sucks but I'll get over it. I'll just have to go old school I guess put GPS on my phone and put it in the cup holder