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Hey Samsung!

(Topic created: 08-30-2023 08:45 PM)
Hey Samsung, yeah you! Over here!😁
Oneui 6 beta 1 is awesome despite the bugs that we know your working hard on fixing within the next few beta updates to include beta 2. Great work I must say as I am a developer myself of AOSP but have focused more on official versions as of Android 12. With that said and I believe I speak for everyone here in the beta program, we would like to hear from you more. Were testing out your software and report back any bugs, malfunctions, errors, things that work or dont and so on so you can fine tune for the official update. We need more communication from you on updates, where things are going or looking, whats being worked on and Possible work arounds and such. We are having to look up on unofficial platforms for information and a lot of that info is either misleading or false. Your site and servers are kinda vague. Maybe open a new column in the app for us to click on to gain that information so we as testers can not be so much in the dark arguing whos right or wrong? 
Keep up the good work Samsung!💪
11 Replies
Well you certainly don't speak for me because I disagree with you.
And what do you disagree with? 👂🏽
You have spread disinformation and complained all over the forums because I've read many things that you have said. I'm not going to engage you in arguing. You know the things you have said and you are 1 who basically does nothing but complain about everything that has to do with this. I don't say much unless it's helping someone or I have something to say but it's definitely not constantly complaining in my posts. You like to complain and argue with people. I don't think Samsung is doing anything wrong or purposely trying to hide anything or doing anything wrong or malicious. I think you are impatient and you just like attention and you constantly complain and try to tell a company how to do their jobs. I find nothing wrong with the way everything is going. If they haven't released beta 2 there is a reason and people who complain are not going to change anything about what they do. I think way too many people join then they find anything they can to complain about. I'd rather wait until they release it patiently so they can work out as many bugs as possible then constantly complaining about what my opinion is trying to tell them how to do something they have been doing very well for a long time. You and many other people aren't helping when all you do is look at this whole process negatively. If you don't like what they are doing go back to the stable version 5.1 until the official 6.0 is released. They know what they are doing and complainers don't change anything and also don't help anything. People are impatient and even if you are or were a developer I would think you would be more understanding than someone like me who has never been in that field. I just don't get why so many people spread misinformation and complain if you knew what you were getting into when you agreed. Samsung never promised anything the majority of complainers are complaining about. Why should we know exact dates of when they are going to do whatever you want to fill in the blank with? They never said they were going to so why should you or anyone else except something that was never part of the agreement you agreed to when you signed up for the beta? I read the same thing you did. I'm not complaining and demanding and angry or trying to tell a company how to do their job. That's what I don't agree with. All the entitlement and demands and false expectations you and others have no reason to expect. I accept what they do what I agreed to. If you are reading unofficial things that are wrong that's on you, not on Samsung. And you wouldn't have to argue if you accepted the agreement you agreed to when you signed up and were patient. Yet so many people complain and expect something that wasn't part of the agreement to begin with. People need to remember what it was and have patience. That's what I don't agree with. Entitlement and asking for a company to cater to you when you didn't have to sign up in the first place and you can go back to 5.1 at anytime if you don't like the way this is going.
Ummm. I haven't complained not once. Goto my page and look for yourself. 🤣 😂 I believe you have the wrong person. And disinformation? 🤣 wow some gull i tell ya, okay, what disinformation have i been giving? 👂🏽
Your post here was complaining. I told you I'm not going to argue with you so I'm not saying anything else. I don't argue with people. Have a great night
What!? This isnt complaining what the heck is wrong with you? 😂 🤣 go on to bed then 💤 🖖
I definitely agree they should communicate with us more. A simple hey guys were working on it, something came up. Hopefully have something ready next week. Etc.
Agree. A lot of people think sammobile is an official site for samsung firmware and information. Its not. Sammobile is not affiliated with Samsung at all. Id rather have official information but sammobile isnt bad. 🖖
Again where does it say in the agreement that was the way it was going to be? Everyone is impatient and entitled and asking a company to cater to what you want them to do. SMH