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Please consider these suggestions

(Topic created: 09-04-2023 10:40 AM)
Cosmic Ray
1. Updated icons in the media player, make it more "bubbly" aka filledand larger, to fit the vibe of the new media player.
2. Media player should always be in expanded state, but make it a bitsmaller and separate of the notification area.
3. Updated status bar icons.
4. Radius and BG color of all Samsung apps should be exactly thesame inside the apps as well as in the widgets. (check: Samsung Notesvs Clock vs Settings vs Reminders app)
5. Animations need a complete overhaul. I don't believe Samsung willachieve iOS level if they keep playing with the same animations andupdating those. They need to get back to the drawing board and startoff from scratch to overhaul the entire animations in OneUl
6. Part of making OneUI smooth and performant is to also optimizethe UI deep down, Android is not to blame anymore like the old days.Samsung needs to take a close look at everything they include thatcould potentially slow down their Android skin.
7. Quick Panel should have more customization options like the abilityto move the new sections. For example, ability to touch and hold theWI-FI section to move it to the bottom next to device control whenediting the expanded panel or ability to tap on a "X" button removesome sections which could allow users to make it look like the currentQuick Panel in OneUI 5.
8. Keep notification stacking just like OneUl 5 or at least have an optionto enable or disable it (context: Beta 2 notifications no longer stacked)
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Beta Moderator

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
Your suggestion has been communicated to the developer and the development project manager is reviewing the content. After reviewing your suggestions, we will apply them to the official version if your proposal matches our concept.
We appreciate your contribution to the beta program.

One UI Beta Team
