Original topic:

My A15 5G is giving me trouble

(Topic created: 01-18-2025 02:32 AM)
A Series & Other Mobile

I turned my phone off this morning (horrified anything would happen to this one month old phone) and settled in to turn on laptop for the first time in over a year. I know ,I know but you replace things every month or so and...anyhow I was a Firefox fan then. I was amazed to see my oldest emails and profiles still there! I went to investigate further and all **bleep** broke loose. I have an abundance of screenshot now in hands of Firefox and Mozilla but that's not doing me much good. They were a group of kids, I assume, doing some beta testing that should have only been observational. Boy were they out of hand and quickly suspended. Being supper time I vow3d to wipe the laptop tomorrow and shut it down. All the time forgetting my spare was still on. Phone! I bought a prepaid because I was getting trampled like that at least monthly, ha ING to replace very expensive things. 

 After dinner I turned on phone and well...as you can quess, I was followed over by way of the laptop to the spare, to the new. Now I have the patience of a said, but I'll be danged to let this go on again. I had every protection available up and still was backdoored. (Pardon the expression). I cannot keep doing this... I am too old and in too bad of health. Maybe once, but not now. I don't have the time nor the concentration to spend all day weeding out bad guys. I ask only to he let be and that can't be done. I a Diabetic who in the last year alone has suffered kidney failure 2x and came completely back, brokey.left hip and ram home health off in 5 days, lost half second toe, right foot and look8ng to lose the big toe now and I have no time for such petty nonsense as theft of intellectual properties. Much less price of a new phone. I cannot afford it. SUGGESTIONS WELCOMED. What am I doing wrong?
5 Replies
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile
Nothing in this rambling makes any sense. If you have multiple compromised devices, that is not Samsung's fault. Sounds as if your wifi router, or your computer itself, was compromised. Of course your old enails will still be on your computer. Email gets downloaded to your computer via the email reader, or stays on your rmail provider's server until you, yourself delete them. That's how it works. Nobody wants to, or has the time, to unravel malicious activity, but it has to be done, and this is still not Samsung's fault.
A Series & Other Mobile
Of course, dear Sir. I dideany email addresses/ones I thought long since destroyed. But, as you say, I ramble on a bit when I buy a new phone or two every month. I have gone through 4 providers, 10 phones, double that in new phone numbers, but I guess the issue is own. I apologize for wasting your time. I blamed no one....simply asked for insights. Thank you though.
Honored Contributor
A Series & Other Mobile

You didn't waste anyone's time, it's just that your entire statement was so incoherent as to require several readings to decipher.  Bottom line is it sounds as if either your long unused computer had been compromised, or if multiple devices are affected, your wi-fi router was exploited.  The best course of action in that case is to enlist the help of your internet provider and reset your router, close any unnecessary ports and change the network name and password.  Downloading and running a malware scanner on the computer would be in order to rid yourself of malicious software. Since you didn't seem to be having a problem with any of your devices prior to turning on the computer, it's likely the invasion started there, either by you inadvertently downloading some malicious program or someone having had access to your computer at some time you were unaware of.

A Series & Other Mobile
Thank you again. I have been doing those very things and between all of us, I may be winning this time. I must admit I do get a bit riled up, but after a year of near non stop slaughter of my poor electronics, I hit panic mode. I do so appreciate the kindness and the help of everyone here.
A Series & Other Mobile
I understand. I'm 71 with heath issues too. Having or electronics messed with and data stolen can lead to bank accounts and credit/debit cards being used by crooks. Reporting to companies is time and energy consuming. New cards have to be issued with new numbers. This affects any automatic payments paid from accounts. I have Norton 360 installed on my cellphone, tablet and computer. I also have accounts notify me if transactions greater than 25 dollars are made. All this has significantly lowered the number of attacks on my accounts. It still happens occasionally but Norton will do the investigation and stop further problems. I wish you the best !