Original topic:

screen mirroring

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
A Series & Other Mobile
So is there a way to mirror screen from an android 14 5g anymore? Seems like they removed this back in 2020 I guess so you can't just use your phone, you have to pay some service or whatever Mafia style stuff they got going on these days. I swear they come up with a great invention and take it away when they realize they can skim another dime off of you. Anyways I'm a cheap **bleep** and all I want to do is just mirror my phone like I could do on my old ancient phone before I got this one. Unfortunately I have never downloaded Smart View or whatever so I don't have it available to just pull down and push and when I'm tried smart things I cannot find the mirror cast within it. So is this possible without using some third party 4 million ad application and I'm not even sure if I can directly do it with an HDMI cable anymore. Any solution and all solutions are welcome. And Samsung you're kind of lame for doing this, I get why you're doing it, but it's BS. Thanks in advance.
2 Replies
A Series & Other Mobile
Is there any apps you can find on Google Play Store for Screen Mirroring for free right?

Try to download it..
A Series & Other Mobile
Like this one, this is free app from Play Store..1714735573882.jpg