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Suggestion: Include S Pen Pro for the Flex, S series, and Tabs

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S Phones

So this is for the Flex, the S series, and Tabs. Samsung, it would be awesome of you to include accessories INSIDE of the Phone packaging. Think about it. Obviously there would need to be a price increase on those that are packaged together. However you can still offer just the phone and.keep the price point. But for customers say with Xfinity who can finance the Phone but not the accessories it is a real bummer. There are a ton of customers who pay their bill faithfully on a financed phone and maybe they wanted accessories or wanted to get them as a gift for whoever they are getting the phone for. If you include the accessories customers would see no issue in the price increase if you still offered the phone only model at its current price without increasing it. Then you will move much more accessories and in the process find repeat buyers who enjoyed them in their teens and never would have if their Mom or Dad couldn't afford those accessories on top of the phone because they will not typically qualify or have access to finance the accessories. I'm telling you it would start a trend and the other companies would follow suite because they too would want to tap into that market through such an obvious yet innovative idea to move products without having to really budge much on pricing because there would have to be a small incentive to buying the package combo however you could offset the difference in price reduction in financing fees. I mean as somebody who knows struggle and often desires many of the accessories offered, I wouldn't think twice if there were a combo package sold together. Think about it.

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Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones
Pens come with tablets, laptops S Ultra phones. To make all devices able to use a pen would raise the prices of those devices. You can't just say here you go, a pen on us.