Original topic:

Unable to use 5G affecting usage of phone after update

(Topic created: 10-05-2024 03:49 PM)
Galaxy S21

so I've had my S21 September update after having the August update messing my phone up now the September update has really messed my phone up.

So I am texting with someone and want to add a picture as soon as I go in to try to add a picture it shuts down my texting with whoever I'm talking to I cannot add pictures now.

So it has also messed with my data not being able to use internet items such as Facebook any app that requires data over the internet tick tock Snapchat Firefox Microsoft and others I can sit and wait 10 to 15 minutes just to try to do internet items because of this new update it has changed my settings so I can't use these apps without long delays or crashing my phone.

And I've been on with samsung tech customers help so many times, they all try to walk me through the same 10 fix steps even though I have just been on with another tech doing the exact same stuff... can't they see what another tech does or leave notes as to how they have tried to help a customer that is registered with them.. I mean dumb ... I have taken my phone to 3 verizon phone stores and 2 spectrum phone stores and no one can fix this. I've had samsung tech have online FULL CONTROL of my phone and was messing with my phone for an hour and 45 minutes  the other night.  I'm about to make this 5g phone a papper weight 😩  sad that samsung is trying to copy everything apple does instead of being an android industry leader.. just turning into a over priced android junk company.

LG, and  MOTOROLA seam to be my choice in android phones now or I guess I will be getting an apple phone in the next week since samsung can't seem to fix my phone or give me any results.. what a waste of money... you spend almost $1600 on a top of the line phone and within 2 years it's the worst phone I've ever owned.    Phone crashes and has to restart so much now that looking back my s9 was ahead of this junk.

6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S21
Can run the diagnostic test and submit feedback
Galaxy S21

Samsung has ran 4 separate diagnostic test on this phone.

they have also tried to reset every possible setting but my phone does not have the firmware in it to change it from 5G to LTE they neglected to put it in my software in my s21 ultra and now I have the 5G lockout issue when I try to use anything that has internet in 5 g it's like I'm using a flip phone from the 90's.

I have been on a clients property and had 20 to 30 minutes waiting for internet connection.

I can't have that in my job.

I have a great phone to call someone else but use any app that needs internet I'm **bleep**.

Now that all the towers around are changing to 5g I have a **bleep** phone.

And this just started with the new updates this year so now I'm forced to go get a new phone and since it's been almost 3 months since they have been trying to fix my problem and nothing is getting done my phone is worse than ever. And they keep saying they are going to send me an update to fix my 5g no lte switch in my firmware/software issue... I am done waitng... ether they fix my software problem or I'm switching and posting everywhere I know and telling all my Facebook page followers how samsung can't take care of there customer service to switch to a LG, or Motorola phone, or Apple.

So tired of the fact I spent $1600 on a phone that in 1 year is **bleep**.  And SAMSUNG don't want to make it right

Galaxy S21

Bleep = s c r e w e d  u p

Bleep =  C  R A  P

Galaxy S21
Galaxy S21

And of course they also **bleep** up the fact that now you want to have the microphone button at the very bottom that if you don't touch right you can't talk you can't text when you're driving you try to touch that button and the microphone button is right next to another button when you're driving and you're not supposed to be texting you use the talk and text button so now you close your page and open up something else they move the button and made it even harder on anyone using this phone why did they move the talk and text microphone button so dumb they're trying to imitate Apple and they suck until they fix this phone or give me a new one I'm done with Samsung.

Galaxy S21

Bleep = s c e w e d   u p
