Original topic:

Not receiving notification sounds when my screen is off

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S21

Recently my S21 has stopped giving me notification sounds when the phone is off.  OK, that's not quite true.  I get audible notifications for email and weather notifications, but none for SMS, Smartthings, and a few others.  Even that's not accurate.  When the phone is on, I seem to get audible notifications for every notification.  When the phone is off, just email and weather.  I can find no setting to control that.  How do I solve this? 

Related or not, with frequency, I often (not always) get SMS notifications when I turn the phone on.

5 Replies
Epic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S21
That's strange because when your phone is powered off, you shouldn't be receiving any notifications

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Galaxy S21

Maybe I'm not clear.  Not POWERED off.  I mean "Off" as in the screen is black, but the phone is powered on.

Galaxy S21
Maybe tweak your lock screen notification settings
Galaxy S21

Lock screen Notifications are on.  "Show content" is selected.  "Show content when unlocked" is off.   "Notifications to show" - "Alert and silent Notifications" is selected.

Galaxy S21

I believe I posted a similar question a while back, but can't find it.

S21.   Smartwatch3 connected.

For a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-g time I've been unable to get notifications or I get delayed notifications.  Someone suggested I reset my phone.  Did that.  No help.

Example 1:  With frequency when I turn on the phone (not Power on), I get a notification of 2-3 emails, weather alert, Smarthings.  Never if the phone is off (not Powered off - the screen is black).  This occurs whether connected to wifi or cell data.

Example 2:  On other apps I get NO notifications.  Maps gives NO location notifications although the app tracks my daughter's location perfectly.    Sam's notiifications.  I guess they're SMS. Again, whether connected to wifi or cell data.

Example 3:  An app to alert me when my garage door goes up or down.  Used to alert me nearly instantly.  Now if may be delayed 5-15 minutes.   Again, whether connected to wifi or cell data.

Google, Maps, and smartthings claim it's a phone setting.  How do I get notifications?