Original topic:

Wired usb-c headphones pause themselves

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy S21
I have these headphones in a usb-c configuration:

Here's what's happening: This is happening in Spotify. Headphones plug in and play back without issue initially. After about 5 min the playback stops all on its own. When I first experienced this issue it was while the phone was in my pocket while on a motorcycle. So I decided to perform a test to see if it was me bumping the port. So I let the phone sit on the table without being touched while playing music. Same result. Music stops on its own. I did notice something when doing this test though. At the moment that the music stops, the phone wakes up from sleep. But there are no notifications or anything indicating why the phone is waking up.

Prior this test I just mentioned I removed battery optimization for my phone completely and set Spotify battery usage to unrestricted. Ran a diagnostic within settings for the headphones which said they were functioning properly. Made sure all my software is up to date. Scoured the internet for any kind of issue just like mine and I'm not finding anything. 

Admittedly these is the first wired headphones I've tried on this phone. But I have had no similar issue with any of the bluetooth audio devices I own.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution?

2 Replies
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S21

Your post is not clear as whether you tried to listen using just the phone's speakers. If the same issue is present it's not your headphones.

Galaxy S21
The issue does not occur with the internal speaker. I also forgot to mention that I have cleaned the phone usb port.