Original topic:

Using phone in Europe with a sim card from another provider

(Topic created: 03-08-2024 10:15 AM)
Galaxy S22

I have a galaxy S22 phone, I am traveling to Portugal and want to use it there with a sim card from one of their providers.   Can I do that and switch back to my USA provider before I leave Europe.   Will that affect any of my SMS's, 2 factor authorizations etc.  thank you.

1 Reply
Legendary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S22

@mcsarge If your phone is carrier locked, it probably won't work at all. 

If you phone is carrier unlocked, you should be able to do it. The SIM card over there will have a completely different number. This means that you would need to share that number with any of your contacts that you want to receive messages from. 

Before proceeding down that path, check with your carrier. Several US carriers have very affordable international coverage plans. If you take advantage of this, you would have the same phone number as you do in the US.