Original topic:

Voice to text is unusable

(Topic created: 04-17-2024 12:24 AM)
Galaxy S22

My voice to text needs serious help period It was fine until about 2 weeks ago and it's gotten really awful to the point, right? Don't even want to use it. If some of that makes no sense. It's because it doesn't and I had nothing to do with it period Help! Oh, there. It just randomly typed! OK, let's try period no, that didn't change 

We're getting a different voice to text app. Help cause this one is awful.
9 Replies
Galaxy S22
Join the club buddy, my voice to text was absolutely dialed in for the last 5 years. I want to say, about two or three months ago, it just completely either lost all 5 years worth of learned information or something on the server and happened and just cannot make sense of the learned patterns anymore. It has been an absolute nightmare for the last few months for me I've contacted the company directly I've given them so many bug reports and I've even recorded what I was saying with my S23 Ultra on my S24 Ultra so that they could physically see what they're recognition was coming up with compared to what I was saying. Almost every sentence didn't make sense to the point where it looked like I didn't speak English. In the last few weeks though, it has improved greatly for me personally. It's nowhere near where it used to be but I just voice texted this reply and it's at least usable now. I would delete all of your learned data and clear all the app data completely from Google Play services which is what Google uses to actually learn from your personalized speech and improve the accuracy. That's what I did and then two or three months later of reteaching everything, it's now usable again. Such a sad and annoying as well as time consuming thing to deal with but there's no other way to get your voice texting to make sense again without doing it.
Martha J
Galaxy S22

so another issue maybe someone can help with.  I also don't like this V to Text...what I'm running into is punctuation...I say the word period at the end of a sentance and (of course) the updated V to T is inserting the WORD period...questionmark etc all the same.  Do I just need to keep editing my text until it learns? will it ever learn? or is there another way around this maddening issue? 

I'm sure everyone else is crazed by the changes that we all just have to figure out while in the midst of using a product ... I guess that'st he way of tech, things just get changed and we have to figure it out as we go.  Thank the goddesses of tech for groups like this.  Peace out!

Galaxy S22
Forgive me if this comes off rude in any way, but do you have an accent of any kind? One thing I've never ever had any issues with was punctuation with VT. I would say It's spot on 98% of the time. I'm not positive if punctuation changes being overridden, actually allows VT to learn that change. I could definitely be wrong but the learning, from what I understand, is geared towards your actual word speech, not punctuation.
Are you saying "period" fast enough for example? If you say the sentence, but pause before saying period, it will mostly use the word instead of the punctuation. Try using your punctuation a bit faster when you talk and see if it changes anything. Good luck šŸ¤žšŸ»
Galaxy S22
I use the Google Assistant voice commands (Voice Match) for everything hands-free, from placing calls to composing and sending texts using the "Hey Google" activation phrase with good results.
Galaxy S22
This works for you.
Red Giant
Galaxy S22
You can change from Samsung Voice Input to Google Voice Typing to improve accuracy.

Go to Settings > General Management > Samsung Keyboard settings > Voice input and change to your preferred Voice input method. 1713352912505.jpg1713352912533.jpg1713352912562.jpg
Galaxy S22
Just wished they, would fix the voice input,... so that it doesn't take up entire Keyboard, like the Google Keyboard where the microphone is at the corner of the keyboard and we can click it. It's activated, but you still have access to the keyboard itself.
Galaxy S22
Wish they would move the microphone icon to somewhere easily Accessible. not in the lower left-hand corner. Very Cumbersome to use.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S22
Yo, you have to probably cash out ("clear cache") your phone. Because keep in mind that voice to text, r Text-to-speech are OnDevice activity. So it's not sending anything out to a cloud service to be translated. I usually just do a phone refresh. You should look up how to do a fresh cash on your phone. That will definitely help.