Original topic:

Camera app dual color profiles

(Topic created: 02-07-2024 09:50 AM)
burnt painting
Galaxy S23

Hey everyone-

I'm writing this on behalf of all the people that prefer natural colors when it comes to photography. Samsung tends to oversaturate and overexpose, as we all know. So why not let us chose if we want natural or vivid colors when taking a photo? Chinese manufacturers have been doing this for a while, it's a shame to feel left out as a Samsung user. And I hate that I prefer colors from my old Iphone 11 camera. Having an option to chose between the two would be great. Basically what s24u is doing right now, this is all I want from my s23u color processing. This video describes the differences perfectly


So what are the odds of this happening? I don't actually care for vivid colors, all I want is more natural colors on s23u.

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