Original topic:

S24 Missing Notifications

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy S24

First, I had this problem with my S21, but it still occurs on the S24.  If it matters, I have the Samsung watch6.

I'm having problems with VERY slow on absent notifications.  Let's start with Ring.  The camera over my garage door should when motion is detected.  It does . . . sometimes.  Often I get no notification.  Sometimes I get a notification, but not the sound I've assigned to Ring cameras.  I've been unable to find the sound in the Notification library or in Ring.  Those notifications work perfectly on my wife's iphone.  To save typing, all notifications I list below work perfectly on the iPhone.

If that were my only problem, I'd blame Ring.  It isn't.

Google Maps.  I should get a notification when she arrives at specific destinations.  On occasion, I do.  Mostly not.

Text messages.  I get notifications for most, not all.

I get notifications with no visual confirmation.  I've tracked it to "Side Button pressed"  But, I don't get the notification when I press any side button.  I do get it often when my phone is off, but powered on,  and lying on my desk.  Even then, I get only a sound, but my phone doesn't brighten and no visual indication.

I have a Liftmaster garage door opener.  If I close my garage door on the way out, it can be 15-17 minutes (I've timed it) before I get the 'door closed' notification.

Those are the ones I remember.  If it were one app, I could blame the app.  With all the above apps (and more) involved, I'm suspecting the phone.  Again, happened with my s21, so I'm guessing sw, not hw.

Advice please.

19 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Maybe reset your network connections or your mobile network? The lag may be a network or network settings issue.
When you upgraded to your S24, did you transfer your stuff over with Smart Switch? The fact that you are having the exact same problems would seem to indicate some misconfiguration in your original setup that carried over when you imported your old phone settings. You might try factory resetting your phone and then restoring your backup (it's possible the backup did not retain this misconfiguration). If that does not help you, the only other thing I can suggest, unless anyone else has a better suggestion, is to factory reset and NOT restore the backup and do everything from scratch. Back up your messages, photos and documents to a flash drive first, so at least you can restore those.
Galaxy S24

Forgot to mention.  when I had the S21, I did a factory reset.  Reinstalled each app individually off Play Store to ensure I would not reintroduce a bad setting.  Made no difference.  That's when I bought the S24, thinking the problem may be hw.

Thus, on both phones, I can't imagine it's a hw problem and with multiple apps with the same problem, I doubt it's that many apps coincidentally having the same problem.

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
I would follow the advice from ChuckK and reset your home router. You occasionally have to do that, much like regularly restarting your phone. Unless it's not only happening on your home network. In any case it won't hurt to recycle your router.
Galaxy S24
Try resetting your router. That fixes many of my problems. My garage camera stopped working yesterday and after restarting router, it works fine again.
Galaxy S24


Reset?  Restart?  Same thing?  I shutdown/restart my router every 3 mo

Galaxy S24
I have enabled certain people on my contact list to be able to call or text anytime, 24/7 in case of emergency. I am not allowed to have my phone open to just ANY notification or call where I work from 7 am to 3:30 pm M-F, YET I'm not getting any notifications thru text or calls (on any screen AND from any of the three types of notifications) from the people I've chosen! WHY?! Please and thank you for any help! I've had this phone for about a year.
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S24
Are you saying you put your phone on do not disturb during working hours and set it up to sllow certain contacts to get through, but it's not working properly? Please be specific on what you did. Did you create a work mode?
Galaxy S24
Yes, that's what I'm saying. Sorry forgot to mention it is on do not disturb most of the time.
Galaxy S24
What's a "work mode?"