Original topic:

Difference in Sound Quality

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

One thing I noticed recently about the S24+ was the difference in sound quality and volume while wearing a pair of TrueFree 01 open ear Bluetooth earphones. I've literally got more than a dozen Bluetooth earphones and tried the TrueFrees on more than one phone because I've never found the "Perfect set" and when I got the TrueFree earphones I thought I had made another so-so purchase trying to find the one pair that I'll use all the time. The reviews before purchase seemed to concentrate on one main issue, volume and quality of sound while listening to music. I had a friend who let me try his and I thought, "Yeah, I can use these but under limited circumstances." The S24+ not only helped the volume but on the limited times I listen to music I tweaked various settings and without downloading any apps or using anything else but the S24+ settings I found the earphones wouldnt "blow my hair off" but they did manage to improve the volume and quality of sound, while still utilizing decent noise canceling features Now i have all the features I've been looking for to make them my 24/7 set. Instead of using one for calls, one for music, I can use only one ear bud if I'm working and slip the other one on when I want to "crank it up and relax". The S24+ made this possible and so maybe now I'll stop buying a different Bluetooth set every 3 months. Thanks Samsung.

2 Replies
Galaxy S24
S24 is very tinny sound
Galaxy S24
Well we all have our opinions and definitions of quality. I'm pleased with my S24+ sound quality and all.