Original topic:

S25 Ultra Notification Details/Previews Not Working

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy S25

I just received my S25 Ultra and have transferred all of my data from my old S22 Ultra. Everything seems to be working except I'm not getting details in my notifications. For instance, when I got a YouTube notification on my S22, it would look like this:

App icon/logo; Content Creator's Name; Time Received
First few words of the video's title

On the S25 I'm getting this:

App icon/logo; App Name; Time Received

Additionally, for apps with multiple notifications, on the S22 they would stack into 1 notification with a number on the right side telling how many there are. For instance, if my Ring camera's motion detector went off 4 times, it would appear as 1 notification with 4 instances. I could then click on the down arrow to expand the notification to see the details of all 4. On the S25, I'm getting a notification for each notice with no stacking. Lastly, I can't swipe the notifications off the screen. I have to tap on the notification to open the app in order for the notification to be removed.

I've look at all the Notification options in settings and nothing identifies what I'm seeing. I did a Google search and came across a "Swipe to dismiss" setting in Notifications, but in my setting I don't see that option anywhere. Any clues on how to fix this?

7 Replies
Galaxy S25
I've had no issues since getting the s25 ultra
Galaxy S25
Factory reset and try reinstall. My s25 Ultra works great bro. I transfered all my s23 Ultra data over no problem and haven't seen any significant issues.
Galaxy S25

I tried for a while to find this issue and cannot see anyone having that issue or found it in any search (including using AI searches). I did a transfer of all my data and settings from my S22 Ultra to my S25 Ultra and it was near perfect.  I did not notice the swipe to dismiss setting on mine gone as well, which is odd. I do not know if this was an intended removal of that setting or it still exists.

Anyway, try this for now. Hold down on your down volume and power buttons at the same time (like turning the phone off for example). Then click restart and when the screen goes black, hold down the volume up and the power buttons at the time until you get what looks like a safe mode screen. Use the volume button to toggle to "wipe cache partition", then click power button, then use the volume button to choose "yes", then click the power button for that choice. Then it will go back to the original screen and then choose (it should by default) "reboot system now" and click the power button to start the phone again.

Galaxy S25

Thanks for your assistance. I think I found out the problem. It seems to have to do with connecting my phone to my PC via Microsoft's Phone Link app. I had the problem when mirroring my phone's screen on the PC. But when I shut that down all my notification details/previews came back on my phone. It ran perfectly on my SS22 but there seems to be an issue on the S25.

Galaxy S25

I just figured out where the problem is. It has to do with connecting my phone to my PC via Microsoft's Phone Link app. It ran flawlessly with my S22 but there seems to be issues with it and the S25 as my notifications aren't showing up in the app on my PC either. Once I shut down the app, all the notifications on my phone appeared as they should,

Galaxy S25
I'm glad that worked out for you! Sometimes even help/conversations about the issues can spur the person experiencing the issues to track back their own procedures and figure it out!

You solved this yourself! šŸ™‚
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S25
I have the same issue as the op. I don't know how to fix it either