Original topic:

Running with a Watch 5 pro

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy Watch

Hello!  I've been running with my watch 5 pro for a while now.  I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know if I can create a custom "run mode" that would turn on the display all the time, and keep sensors and stats on real time?  

2. When I run a race, I have heard that other watches have active, auditory pace feedback.  Some watches beep at a pace when you're on pace, louder or faster when you go below pace, etc.  I'm looking for some auditory notice that I am on my desired (set-able) pace.  Does the watch 5 pro have anything like that?

Thanx so much!

6 Replies
Legendary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy Watch

@BATIo1k So a couple of things:

  1. For the first item, click on Samsung Health -> Workout scroll so that Running is showing. Before clicking on that, click the settings button below it. Scroll down and enable "Screen always on".
  2. Yes it will provide feedback. When you click on Samsung Health -> Workout scroll so that Running is showing. Before clicking on that, click the settings button below it. Scroll down and you will find Audio guide. It provides spoken feedback about your target and laps. 


Galaxy Watch

Thank you!  Your answer for #1 is great.  Regarding #2 - I do already use the Audio guide.  The spoken stats are working as expected.  I am looking for a continuous feedback audio que that would tell me if I'm keeping my desired pace.  I would prefer a beep or sounds rather than a voice.  Is there anything like that?  

It seems like there should be something in workout>running>settings>"PACE".  But there isn't.

Thanx again!

Galaxy Watch
You can use the workout option for the coach. You will hear audible cues when you are running faster or slower than your target pace. It's been a while since I have used it, but that's what I recall it did.
Set your target activity and level of exercion /intensity... Coach does the rest. Might not be as advanced as what you are looking for, but it's a start.
There is also an option when setting up the coach on your watch, "add to phone."
On the phone you create your target groove and title it for the settings you setup. Pretty slick. I'm going to have to try it the next time I go for a run. 😂 Screenshot_20240420_172034_shealth_1000025705_1713651637.png1713652109715.jpg
Galaxy Watch

Thanx very much for the suggestion.  I am not seeing where I can set a custom pace.  Would you please point me to where I can set a custom pace?  Thanx!

Galaxy Watch

Just to add some context - I'm primarily interested in using this during a 5K race.  No warm up or cool down is needed.  Thank you!

Galaxy Watch
Looks like just distance and duration. Don't know much more about it but if you looking for more you could surrch for the features on Google.
You might need a Garmin for more serious tracking.
Galaxy watches are a blend of fitness and lifestyle watches.
Garmin is the fitness king.