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No longer have the option to unlock pin with no confirmation for 4 digits

(Topic created: 10-01-2023 12:49 PM)

There use to be an option to unlock without confirmation option when setting up a PIN.

It still works but only if you have 6 digits now instead of 4. Being in the security industry, locks only keep out honest people...
That being. Any way to get that option back on S22 Ultra beta 1
24 Replies
You already have the option, but it's only for 6 digits as you said.

If you work in the security industry you know locks only keep honest people out but they slow down dishonest people, hopefully enough to make the juice not worth the squeeze.

If they add the option for 4 or 6 digits then they'd have to save the option somewhere, meaning you'd give away the number of digits to a potential attacker.
I work from home and I get out once a week to go to the store for food.
At least give people the option.
It was there before so it looks like they took that option away.
Yes, you wanting to have 2 fewer digits means everyone should be at higher risk.

Just don't use a pin or use smart lock to keep it unlocked at home. Your specific situation shouldn't force others to reduce their security because 6 digits is too many for you to type.
Again, just another option for security.

Just like we have the option of not being able to use any type of pin or any type of security measure at all.

Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean that others don't have certain use cases.

Kind of like buying a truck versus buying a car. Trucks have use cases and so do cars.
The problem is the security for everyone is reduced because there needs to be a way for the system to know if you have 4 or 6 digits selected for auto- enter. Without the system can just try at 6 digits automatically.

Note complexity leads to more security vulnerabilities.

It's fine though, I have you my opi and you have a persecution complex and think I'm being mean or whatever. You can keep advocating for reducing security so you want, I can't stop you. I can only tell you you're wrong. Enjoy
Honestly, from an outside perspective you seem to be the one that is the aggressor here. You're very first comment was full of sarcasm and was not just your opinion. You added a lot of extra bits in there that honestly were not necessary.

This guy was just venting out some frustration over a change in the software. We all know Samsung isn't going to change it back to four digits because some guy in their forms complained, so the sarcasm in your original reply was unneeded and makes you look like the one that has a persecution complex. This is a safe place, anyone should be able to say or express how they feel about their Samsung device, it's not XDA where it's a bunch of chaos with almost no helpful people left as a result.
He should be free to state whatever he wants about his device and not have to get a sarcastic reply back about how you disagree with his opinion. You are the one that started off with the persecution of his opinion.
Complexity doesn't automatically lead to more vulnerability either, If it's something that's been established for years and is proven secure eg, the four digit passcode, then adding the option to have it extended to six digits or remain four digits would leave it's security the same as what it's always been if he decided to stay with the four digit code. Obviously a six-digit code is more secure but retaining the option that does not add vulnerability since it is something that has been an established secure unlock method for Android since the beginning. Your statement only applies to adding two different new options and getting rid of the established one. It's not a huge difference either way, a good cracker with a good device can get a four digit pretty easily and adding an extra two digits only would stall them for a little bit longer length of time. Digited passcodes are just inherently insecure to begin with. The most secure unlock methods we have our worded passcode where we can mix letters with numbers but they are also super inconvenient to have to enter in to unlock your phone so biometrics is by far the best unlock form since it's faster than anything else and cannot be hacked by a simple flipper device.
Okay, I mean I disagree with you but okay.

I stated that he was incorrect about his theory of what locks are for, and I was glib about it since he claimed to be in the security field.
Everything else I said was factual (in fact, even the glib statement about locks was factual, though I wasn't as tactful as I could have been).

His opinion is that 4 digits is good enough. Fine, but I pointed out that having that Upton opens another vulnerability in the software, even for people who use 6 digits.
Yes, complexity does lead to vulnerability.
The 4 digit pin was established but the option for a6 digit pin wasn't (not without having to press enter) so that is adding complexity if both options are maintained. Changing from 4 to 6 adds no complexity in the software but does increase security by nearly 100 fold.

Yes, just a pin is insecure, but 6 digits has 1 million integrations, 4 digits only has 10,000.

Android has not always had 4 digit pin without pressings enter, so you should stop lying.

You're entitled to your opinions, you aren't entitled to your own facts though.
Maybe you're unaware of newer ways of pin hacking but there are handheld devices that can successfully and consistently crack eight digit codes in under 10 minutes. I am not in the security field whatsoever but I'm just a tech enthusiast in general so I take interest in anything tech. There are many videos on YouTube displaying this device I'm talking about cracking in real time 8-digit codes which have many many many multiples more combinations than six digits and they do it every single time in under 10 minutes one of the 8-10 times being under 4 minutes. Hacking technology is advancing just as fast as security technology. Obviously people should not be using the option to not have to press enter after entering your code because then it just enables the hacking device to not have to deal with lockouts from too many incorrect attempts. I don't disagree with that part of your opinion at all and overall I agree with your opinion except the part about six digits being a hundred times more secure, that's just not true, it's definitely more secure than four that's factual information but it's not so much more effective that it's a hundred times harder for whoever is trying to hack the phone if they have the correct technology that is available to consumers currently. Easily the most secure way to keep your phone from being password hacked is to use the password option as you're unlock method along with biometrics instead of any of the digit only combinations since that adds the entire alphabet into the mix which leads to billions and billions of different combinations which I would consider at that point unhackable for any normal hacker.
Maybe I shouldn't have delved into my opinion about security because my main purpose of commenting was to just confirm that you were calling him the one that was persecuting you when in fact you absolutely began the back and forth of persecution. That's all I am saying. You're smart enough to know that even if a band of users got together and complain to Samsung about this change, Samsung is not going to change it back. It's done and over with, it's changed and we need to deal with it whether we like it or not so this sarcasm about suggesting why should everybody have to compromise their security because of you was an attack on his opinion and I was just stating that this forum specifically is literally for people to express their opinions and have a safe place to do it. They shouldn't have to worry about people getting upset with their opinion and being unnecessarily sarcastic with them or sometimes worse that I've seen but past sarcasm, the mods get involved and the person with the issue ends up banned because they actually enforce the safety of and protection of people's rights to have an opinion.

There's no need for us to continue to go back and forth over the security aspect as I don't really care and don't use either of those options anyway so I have no opinion about them changing it, it simply doesn't apply to me. I just felt bad for this guy because he didn't say anything mean or nasty, I do understand your point though of him claiming expertise in the security field and then continuing to go on with stating something incorrect about security but that's just how some people are and it doesn't warrant a snark reply. This forum needs to stay safe and people need to remain feeling safe to post whatever they want as it pertains to their device at least. We are running out of places to go where there is a large enough community that it is helpful to post in so that's why I butted in and stated what I did.
There are no handheld devices that can unlock your phone wirelessly, and if you have it set up they can't work via USB either (since android defaults to charge only now).

10 minutes is still a long time to have a phone, longer than the 3 or 4 it would take to Crack a 4 digit pin.

That said, I was incorrect in that 6 digit codes *can* be used without pressing enter on older software. So if doesn't increase risk in that way.

That said, talk to Google about this restriction since they decided that the risk is to great now. They changed the requirements