Original topic:

Samsung, Please separate "Replace swipe with tap" from Assistant menu page.

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24

Samsung, We want to use the - "Replace Swipe With Tap" but can't because you have to have Assistant Menu turned on for it to work. Nobody wants to use the Assistant Menu, it gets in the way of everything you touch cause it's on top of every page. CAN YOU PLEASEEEE PUT - "Replace Swipe With Tap" on the outer page of Assistant Menu or on another page, on the next software update. That way if someone wants to turn on -  Replace Swipe With Tap or Assistant Menu, they can do each separately.

Thank you, Marydel Woelfel.

1 Reply
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S24
Samsung, We want to use the - "Replace Swipe With Tap" but can't because you have to have Assistant Menu turned on for it to work. Nobody wants to use the Assistant Menu, it gets in the way of everything you touch cause it's on top of every page. CAN YOU PLEASEEEE PUT - "Replace Swipe With Tap" on the outer page of Assistant Menu or on another page!