Original topic:

Galaxy Watch 7/Ultra resetting

(Topic created: 4 weeks ago)
Galaxy Watch

The weirdest thing has happened a couple times and now I'm concerned. For no apparent reason, my watch keeps doin a forced reset. I then have to go through the whole process of setting it up again. This time around it completely changed the way my watch is set up. Face, settings and icon order. Can anyone help me understand why this is happening? This thing cost too much and is only 4 months old. šŸ˜”

158 Replies
Galaxy Watch
Same! It definitely has something to do with the last watch update!! Samsung is completely ignoring the issue...
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

YES!  Same boat here!

My posts kept getting deleted, claiming duplication as well.  Likewise, each time I'm referred to a many-years-old post for a totally different device having a different issue w/ a claimed "Solution" that I explicitly stated in my post *DOES NOT* remedy the underlying issue.

I state "Clearing Cache, removing Bluetooth connections, uninstall & reinstall of Wear app & restarting doesn't work.  Only a factory reset of my Watch Ultra allows reconnection to the phone.".  Sure enough, they delete my post & refer to a 3-year old post about ear buds w/ a solution of "Clear Cache, remove Bluetooth connections, uninstall & reinstall Wear app & restart affected devices".  They must get points for blindly deleting/linking posts @ any cost, no matter how unrelated they are.

So I tried including comments asking that my post please *NOT* be deleted & that admins please *STOP* referring to old & irrelevant topics w/ claimed "Solutions" which I already stated don't work.  Instead, the admins then just edit my posts & remove those comments.  Counting the hours before my remaining posts get deleted or edited beyond usefulness.

Final thoughts...  The more I search through these community posts, the more obvious it is that the last Watch Ultra software update @ end of January is behind this recurring issue of "Loss of connection, requiring a Watch Ultra factory reset to reconnect".

Shame on you, Samsung, for treating your loyal customers like this & for making us work so hard to troubleshoot & convince you that your last update broke something.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I ran into the issue with moderation as well. I've also run into it with posting my 3 star review of the watch and legit discord with it. I got a notification back that my review was moderated because I didn't concentrate on the product. Funny thing is, all I did was review the watch. Conspiracy side of me thinks they're covering up something as well as inflating their reviews score.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

Hello.  Thank you for providing these generic, yet extremely broad list of speculative solutions & causes.

Please be aware, none of these steps work.

As many folks have already stated, this is recurring on many people's watches, @ random intervals, & only Factory Resetting the watch allows reconnection of the watch to the phone.

Many have also explicitly stated that this started ~ 1 month ago after the last Software update @ ~early during the last week of January?

Any logical person would realize Samsung **bleep** up their last software update released @ end of January.

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch

I have experienced the very same thing several times now and it all started right after the last update was performed.   Your post is spot on. 

Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
For me I did the the clear cache method and I have not had the problem repeat itself for about a week now hopefully it stays this way now this worked for me idk if it will work for everyone else also when I did this I also deleted the Wearable app and completely reinstalled it from galaxy shop I did those 2 things and the problem has not came back so far
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy Watch
I recently upgraded to the S25 Ultra and I paired my Galaxy Watch Ultra to my new phone ever since then during a workout the voice changed from female voice to male voice during workout and I don't know to change it back my assistants voice is still the same as it was, it is only during a workout that I start on my watch. Also my watch has been forcing me to reset and pair to my phone again this is frustrating as I keep my wallet assigned to my watch and my watch face gets reset. Is anyone else having these issues i read i think 2 other people had the watch resetting problem as well hopefully a solution becomes available.
Galaxy Watch
Sometimes, it might be a problem with the device and might need to be returned. Im sorry you're experiencing issues. I would recommend returning it and getting a new one. I hope this comment was helpful šŸ˜Š
Galaxy Watch

I have exactly the same issue but with my Garmin Venu 2 - still works perfectly and stays paired to my old device but S25U forgets it within an hour and needs re-paired.

Galaxy Watch
I've had the Galaxy watch hold you for a little over a month now and my phone notified me that the watch is no longer connected. 

I checked the watch and it shows it's not connected to my phone either, so when I get in the wearable app in the longer pops up that I even own a smartwatch. So it forced me to reset the watch and try to pair it again, which I did, just for it to not want to restore it with backup information. Pretty over Samsung at this point.