Original topic:

Disappointed the S25 has no S-Pen Bluetooth connectivity

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Neutron Star
Galaxy S25

Samsung this was definitely a deal breaker for me as I use Air Actions every day I was going to upgrade but I'm now sticking with my S24 Ultra I mean seriously Air Actions was the main selling point of the S-Pen 

341 Replies
Galaxy S25
They need to fix this with the S26U or I'll just be holding on to my S24U for as long as possible and then will go to Oppo or OnePlus.
Galaxy S25

Will there be a Spen that is sold separately that wiil support air actions on the s25 ultra


Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25
There are currently rumors circulating that a Bluetooth version of the S Pen that supports Air Actions exists for the S25 Ultra, but nothing concrete. Sam Mobile reports that it is probably not true. Furthermore, the S25 Ultra does not have the ability to charge an S Pen.

Neutron Star
Galaxy S25
The rumors are not true I asked Samsung and they said no and some of the reporters have also found out SAMSUNG LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS WE WANT S-PEN BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITY AND AIR ACTIONS
Galaxy S25
If they listen like you said then why delete the Bluetooth from their S-pen... Make it make sense 🤔
Neutron Star
Galaxy S25
Samsung removed Bluetooth Connectivity and Air Actions (which was one of the main selling points of the S-Pen a few years ago) without telling anyone at anytime either before or after the the unveiling of the S25 Ultra and people are upset that it was removed and want it back there I made it make sense
Galaxy S25
Not really... Because a percentage of people say that Samsung listens to their customers and where did they get the idea that no one uses the Bluetooth action on the S-pen..?? Some do some don't, but it's better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it... Bottom line take it away and have them buy something to give it back.. a.k.a Money grab.. and want you to pay $1000+ for a phone and take stuff away and a percentage of people aren't that fond of A.I. and that's not going to be with the phone long because they are going to make you pay for that too.. Making sense now
Galactic Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

@Smithint "...where did they get the idea that no one uses the Bluetooth action on the S-pen.."

Samsung uses data. They analyzed the user usage data to determine how much the bluetooth features on the S Pen were being used. 

Galaxy S25
I don't use it, but still you don't take it away. That's like saying you have a microwave and a air fryer you don't get rid of one or the other but you still use them both... Sometimes you have to ignore the data. But what did we get in its place... Answer Nothing, but you still want me to pay $1000+ for a better chipset and some A.I. that I don't really care about and soon will have to pay to use 🤦🏾‍:male_sign:. Oh wait I get rounded corners and a little smaller bezels and flat screen and a Now Bar , oh man I'm so excited... Not
Planetary Samsung Care Ambassador
Galaxy S25

May not be entirely true. Everyone also seems to forget that to have the wireless S-Pen, which need to be charged by the phone, they have to include charging hardware inside the device. If only a small percentage of users actually use those wireless features, it's a lot of wasted space and money to include it in every single unit. They said they increased the size of the vapor chamber, might be how they were able to do it. While I personally haven't used wireless S-Pen features in a while, I do also wish they would still be available, but I can also accept a compromise of a faster and cooler running device, if that's the case (because it's just me speculating). Might be something else, but surely there is no empty space in there. Also, for the money part of the argument, pricing remained the same this year, even with the global inflation that is surely affecting their bottom line too. It's easy to say Samsung is being greedy, but in reality, it might be them making tough choices to keep their prices from going up, which definitely benefits us. The price of the Fold 6 went up from Fold 5, and it's also not cool, but funny enough, I see more people angry about losing one feature, than seeing a $100 price hike. Makes me wonder if they kept the BT and increased the price instead, if the backslash wouldn't actually be as bad?

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