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S22 Ultra UI keeps randomly crashing

(Topic created: 01-08-2025 08:20 PM)
Galaxy S22
So after receiving a couple of the last most recent updates(including security patch updates, not sure how much if any effect at all they would have on this) my phone keeps crashing, where the screen will just go black with the exception of my Edge Panel bar being the only thing remaining on the screen then it automatically locks my screen taking me to the lockscreen where I have to unlock it again & once I do, & try to go home, it continuously asks me which UI I want for my homescreen despite choosing& selecting 'always'. Btw, I do use Nova Launcher Pro version, have used & loved it for years never once having any issues. Has this been happening to anyone else??? Does anyone know why this is happening & how to stop it?? Also, I noticed it tends to crash a lot more with Google apps, for example, every time I click on my Google search bar widget to browse the headlines for the day or whatever, almost immediately after I start scrolling down an article or two, it crashes, every single time. To the point its unusable & I haven't been able to browse Google or search for anything as it does the same thing.
6 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
I would submit feedback there is a known issue with some updates on the s22
Galaxy S22
Ughh wow really? That sucks šŸ˜• where do you suggest I do that? Thanks for the quick response!
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S22
Bottom of page on right support tab than next screen about midway or slightly down is feedback option cluck that than type in what's happening and submit should all for logs to submit also
Galaxy S22
Mine just started doing that on Friday the 3rd and then I rebooted my phone. It worked better but was still having issue. We ended up getting a s23 and made a claim. Had to pay more . I didn't want to spend more money
Galaxy S22

It's happening on the 24 models as well. Not as often anymore, I used to get freezes few times a day and a crash as you get once a week. Freezes are down to once or twice a week and a crash now and then.

Edit: I've taken my phone back to the store i got it from, they sent it to a technician to have a look at. They couldn't replicate the issue, so refreshed the O/S and sent it back to me. It's happening again after 3 days of having it back, so i'm having them look at it again.

If it is the UI behind the issues, then Samsung need to get sorting it. It's not good if their flagship phones are experiencing UI issues.