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Posted by      in  Galaxy S24

Hopefully, this post will not be deleted, since it seems this company wants to censor anything that is not a glowingly positive comment.The answer to... View Post


First, understand that AT&T never takes responsibility for anything. Is your phone having security i... View Post

Posted by      in  Galaxy S24

Can someone explain this to me? How can you sell a phone at full price without the ONEUI 7 and Android 15?  View Post


You think that was nasty? You are over sensitive. You asked for an explanation. I gave you one. The ... View Post

Posted by      in  Galaxy S23

Is there any products or services that can clean or replace the type C port without voiding the warrenty?I am having frequent disconnetion for wired... View Post


I've actually used a small dab of hot glue from my wife's hot glue gun, then after it cools down, it... View Post