Original topic:

Add eSIM hangs indefinitely

(Topic created: 12-14-2023 11:19 AM)
Galaxy S23


I have an issue with the SIM card manager on my Galaxy S23. I purchased the phone in ~February 2023, and successfully purchased, installed, and used an eSIM abroad (via Airalo) in March 2023. Seamless as always, no problem. 

Following a system update later in the year (i don't know exactly, maybe August/September 2023), I can no longer add an eSIM, in either Airalo or the SIM Card manager. When I click "Add eSIM", the indictor starts to spin, but it hangs indefinitely. When I attempt to install an eSIM via Airalo, the app just hangs/waits indefinitely as well. This happens when i'm on my home network, on wifi, with VPN on and VPN off. 

The steps i've taken to remedy are:

  • restart the phone (obviously)
  • clear system caches
  • reset network settings 

Short of a complete wipe and reset, any idea what could be going on? 



1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Galaxy S23

Update on this thread:

I wasn't able to get a solution from samsung, airalo, or yesim. As a longshot i was hoping the oneui 6.1 update might have a fix baked in, but no such luck. 

I ended up doing a factory reset and now everything with the eSIM returned to normal. Good luck!

View solution in context

17 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

what country are you in? where did you purchase your phone? 

Galaxy S23


what country are you in?


> where did you purchase your phone? 

Verizon in Feb. 2023

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23

I'd be checking in with Verizon if I were you. your Airalo purchase made me wonder if you might be in the wrong forum for Samsung community support. 

Galaxy S23

you might be in the wrong forum for Samsung community support. 

I'm seeing the same behavior in the system SIM Manager as I am in airalo. And that's months after i was able to add an eSIM. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S23
all I know is that my SIM Manager in my S22U (unlocked) behaves differently with AT&T vs when I was with TMO...what's allowed/not allowed. that's why I suggested you checking in with VZW. You bought the phone from them.
Galaxy S23
Have you tried removing all esim first then try installing a new one. Is the esim you are trying to install a new one. If not try a new esim
Galaxy S23

Have you tried removing all esim first then try installing a new one. Is the esim you are trying to install a new one. If not try a new esim

That doesn't help; the SIM  manager doesn't list any esims installed, so there's nothing to remove. I recently got a new esim issued from airalo, but the behavior is still there. 

I got a little ambitious and started to look at system logs. the output of `adb logcat` is definitely a little verbose to make sense of without filtering, so i tried searching for all events related to "esim" by running


$ adb logcat | grep -i esim

Okay, so first I launched the SIM manager, and this is the logging that was output. 



12-18 10:21:37.238 30620 30620 I UT.SuwEsimActivationType: put state : UNKNOWN -> UNKNOWN
12-18 10:21:37.238 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: oemCommand: [17, -106, 0, 13, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 70, 0, 0, 0]
12-18 10:21:37.238 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: >> checkProfileMetaDataNetworkLock
12-18 10:21:37.239 30620 30620 I UT.EsimAddProgressState: put state : NOT_FOUND -> UNKNOWN
12-18 10:21:37.241 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: setOdaComplete() isOdaComplete = false
12-18 10:21:37.245 30620 30620 I FT.EsimUtilFeature: setEsimPhoneOn enabled : false
12-18 10:21:37.246 2536 4497 D KNOX_MDM_SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = esim_phone_on_1
12-18 10:21:37.261 30620 30620 I NU.EsimDynamicPreferenceCategory: onAttached
12-18 10:21:37.261 30620 30620 I NM.GenuineNetSettingsDataStore: registerOnSharedPrefDataStoreChangeListener eSIMs, isEmpty true
12-18 10:21:37.263 5519 5547 W SDMConfig: selectionArgs: esim, ecl
12-18 10:21:37.264 30620 30620 I NU.EsimDynamicPreferenceCategory: updatePreference, esimProfileCount : 0, esimPreferenceCount : 0, addRemoveCount : 0
12-18 10:21:37.265 30620 30620 I NU.AbstractSimOnOffMainPreference: EsimAddProgressState is changed to UNKNOWN
12-18 10:21:37.273 5519 5547 W SDMConfig: [com.samsung.android.sdm.config.provider.ConfigProvider(283/query)] com.samsung.oda.service : selectionArgs: esim, ecl - count: 0
12-18 10:21:37.273 30620 30620 I NU.EsimPreferenceCategory: onFragmentResume
12-18 10:21:37.274 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUtils: printStates : isRadioPowerUnavailable : false, isEsimSubIdEnabled : false, isEsimSwitched : false, SimSwitchState : UNSUPPORTED, Psim2State : UNKNOWN, EsimAddProgressState : UNKNOWN, EsimProfile : UPDATE, isPhysicalSecondSlotSupported : false
12-18 10:21:37.274 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUtils: isProgressForAddEsimMenuShown : isShown = false
12-18 10:21:37.274 30620 30620 I NU.EsimPreferenceCategory: executeSequences
12-18 10:21:37.274 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: execute
12-18 10:21:37.274 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: onFragmentResume
12-18 10:21:37.276 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUtils: isProgressForAddEsimMenuShown : isShown = false
12-18 10:21:37.278 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: onResume
12-18 10:21:37.281 30620 30746 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: onAvailable
12-18 10:21:37.302 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: << checkProfileMetaDataNetworkLock : success = true, result = [B@bde0fd0, Error = null
12-18 10:21:37.302 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetworkLock: put EsimNetworkLock : UNLOCKED -> UNLOCKED
12-18 10:21:37.303 2536 6815 D KNOX_MDM_SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = esim_network_lock_state
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequence: BootStrapWaitSequence, UNSUPPORTED
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: (1/5) z, complete sequence : SKIPPED
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: (2/5) b, complete sequence : SKIPPED
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequence: RequestSimPinLockSequence : isEsimSubIdEnabled = false, isProfileEnabled = false
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: (3/5) v, complete sequence : SKIPPED
12-18 10:21:37.304 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: (4/5) y, complete sequence : SKIPPED
12-18 10:21:37.305 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequence: isSkipCase : EsimAddProgressState = UNKNOWN, iccId = , isIdlePhoneState = true
12-18 10:21:37.305 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: (5/5) n, complete sequence : SKIPPED
12-18 10:21:37.305 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUpdateSequenceExecutor: postComplete
12-18 10:21:37.305 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: onCallStateChanged() state : 0
12-18 10:21:37.330 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: oemCommand: [17, -106, 0, 13, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 70, 0, 0, 0]
12-18 10:21:37.330 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: >> checkProfileMetaDataNetworkLock
12-18 10:21:37.331 30620 30620 I NU.EsimPreferenceCategory: onCompleted
12-18 10:21:37.331 30620 30620 I FT.SimUtilFeature: holdCpReset, sim_manager_esim_requested : 0
12-18 10:21:37.331 2536 4669 D KNOX_MDM_SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = sim_manager_esim_requested
12-18 10:21:37.332 30620 30620 I NU.EsimDynamicPreferenceCategory: updatePreference, esimProfileCount : 0, esimPreferenceCount : 0, addRemoveCount : 0
12-18 10:21:37.347 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetwork: << checkProfileMetaDataNetworkLock : success = true, result = [B@65f92c, Error = null
12-18 10:21:37.347 30620 30620 I UT.EsimNetworkLock: put EsimNetworkLock : UNLOCKED -> UNLOCKED
12-18 10:21:37.347 2536 5007 D KNOX_MDM_SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = esim_network_lock_state
12-18 10:21:37.350 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaConfigData OdaMessageLib Version : 2.0.0, eSIM Configuration Version : 2.0.0-57
12-18 10:21:37.351 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaConfigData OdaMessageLib Version : 2.0.0, eSIM Configuration Version : 2.0.0-57
12-18 10:21:37.352 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaPolicyList() EsimNetworkLock.getCurState: UNLOCKED, isNetworkLockChecked : true
12-18 10:21:37.352 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaConfigData OdaMessageLib Version : 2.0.0, eSIM Configuration Version : 2.0.0-57
12-18 10:21:37.353 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaPolicyList() EsimNetworkLock.getCurState: UNLOCKED, isNetworkLockChecked : true
12-18 10:21:37.353 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaConfigData OdaMessageLib Version : 2.0.0, eSIM Configuration Version : 2.0.0-57
12-18 10:21:37.353 30620 30620 I ODA.OdaPrefUtil: getOdaPolicyList() EsimNetworkLock.getCurState: UNLOCKED, isNetworkLockChecked : true


Okay, next I clicked on "add esim" and waited....



12-18 10:21:59.435 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: onPreferenceClick
12-18 10:21:59.436 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUtils: isProgressForAddEsimMenuShown : isShown = false
12-18 10:21:59.437 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequenceExecutor: execute
12-18 10:21:59.437 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequenceExecutor: execute sequence (1/3) : l
12-18 10:21:59.437 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: NetworkConnectSequence, execute
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: NetworkConnectSequence, execute : skip
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequenceExecutor: execute sequence (2/3) : h
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: EsimSwitchSequence, execute
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: EsimSwitchSequence, execute : skip
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequenceExecutor: execute sequence (3/3) : b
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: DiscoveryServerLookUpSequence, execute
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: discoveryServerLookup, start
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.LpaServiceConnectionMgr: (1/3) switchToEsim, events : ESIM_ADD_SEARCH_FOR_EID
12-18 10:21:59.440 30620 30620 I NU.LpaServiceConnectionMgr: already switched to eSim or not supported
12-18 10:21:59.444 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: executor, state : SHOW_PROGRESS
12-18 10:21:59.445 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: executor, state : SHOW_PROGRESS
12-18 10:21:59.445 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: executor, state : SHOW_PROGRESS
12-18 10:21:59.447 30620 30620 I NU.LpaServiceConnectionMgr: (3/3) sendToLpaService. message : ESIM_ADD_SEARCH_FOR_EID, replyTo : c4.b$a@1bb67f
12-18 10:21:59.450 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : CONNECT_SERVICE, replyTo : android.os.Messenger@bf3b9b
12-18 10:21:59.450 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: sendListEuiccRequest, slot2 state = true
12-18 10:21:59.450 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddNetworkLocked: clear
12-18 10:21:59.451 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >>>> sendToService, requestClassName ListEuiccRequest
12-18 10:21:59.451 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : ESIM_ADD_SEARCH_FOR_EID, replyTo : android.os.Messenger@a77cb38
12-18 10:21:59.451 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: handleMessage() is not ready!! mIsConnected = false
12-18 10:21:59.453 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = ListEuiccResponse
12-18 10:21:59.453 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:21:59.453 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: onListEuiccResponse : eUiccSlot = 1, version = 2.2.0, message.version = 6.0.1
12-18 10:21:59.453 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >>>> sendToService, requestClassName ConnectRequest
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = ConnectResponse
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: onConnectResponse
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: putConnectResponseCallback() re-connected
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: putConnectResponseCallback() progressMsgSize = 1
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : ESIM_ADD_SEARCH_FOR_EID, replyTo : android.os.Messenger@a77cb38
12-18 10:21:59.455 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: retrieveProfile, salesCode : null, curState = UNKNOWN
12-18 10:21:59.456 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddOption: createIntent, extras : {root_key=SIMCARD_ESIM_ADD_MOBILE_PLAN, INTENT_EXTRA_START_FROM=5, INTENT_EXTRA_NEED_USER_CONRIFM=true, INTENT_EXTRA_REQUEST=2}
12-18 10:21:59.457 30620 30620 I UT.EsimAddProgressState: put state : UNKNOWN -> EID_SEARCHING
12-18 10:21:59.457 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddTimer: start timer, delay is 120 seconds
12-18 10:21:59.458 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: sendRetrieveEventRequest, salesCode : null
12-18 10:21:59.458 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddNetworkLocked: clear
12-18 10:21:59.458 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddProgressData: setCurrentProfileMetaData : currentProfileMetaData = null
12-18 10:21:59.458 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddProgressData: setCurrentProfileDownloadResponse() currentProfileDownloadResponse = null
12-18 10:21:59.458 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >>>> sendToService, requestClassName RetrieveEventRequest
12-18 10:21:59.461 30620 30620 I NU.AbstractSimOnOffMainPreference: EsimAddProgressState is changed to EID_SEARCHING


I then waited and waited. It turns out the esim manager doesn't hang indefinitely, it waits two minutes. At which point, the logs spit out:


12-18 10:23:59.464 30620 30620 E NU.EsimAddTimer: Time out !!
12-18 10:23:59.464 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: interruptDownloadProfile()
12-18 10:23:59.465 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: cancelProfileDownload requestClassName = RetrieveEventRequest responseClassName = ConnectResponse
12-18 10:23:59.471 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >>>> sendToService, requestClassName CancelRetrieveEventRequest
12-18 10:23:59.472 30620 30620 I UT.EsimAddProgressState: put state : EID_SEARCHING -> NOT_FOUND
12-18 10:23:59.474 30620 30620 I NU.EsimUtils: isProgressForAddEsimMenuShown : isShown = true
12-18 10:23:59.475 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: << replyEvent, events = ESIM_ADD_SEARCH_FOR_EID
12-18 10:23:59.481 30620 30620 I NU.AbstractSimOnOffMainPreference: EsimAddProgressState is changed to NOT_FOUND
12-18 10:23:59.482 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequence: discoveryServerLookup, onSuccess
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: <<<< receiveFromService, responseClassName = CancelRetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.488 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddEnterSequenceExecutor: postComplete
12-18 10:23:59.489 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:23:59.489 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: receiveResponse, No containsKey : RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.490 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:23:59.490 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: receiveResponse, No containsKey : RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.490 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:23:59.490 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: receiveResponse, No containsKey : RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.490 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:23:59.491 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: receiveResponse, No containsKey : RetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.491 30620 30620 I NU.EsimEventHandler: >> handleMessage, event : RECEIVE_RESPONSE, replyTo : null
12-18 10:23:59.491 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddHandler: receiveResponse, No containsKey : CancelRetrieveEventResponse
12-18 10:23:59.491 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: startEsimAddPlanActivity()
12-18 10:23:59.494 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddOption: createIntent, extras : {root_key=CHOOSE_SERVICE_PROVIDER, INTENT_EXTRA_START_FROM=1, INTENT_EXTRA_NEED_USER_CONRIFM=true, INTENT_EXTRA_REQUEST=1}
12-18 10:23:59.503 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddOption: startActivity, extras : {root_key=CHOOSE_SERVICE_PROVIDER, INTENT_EXTRA_START_FROM=1, INTENT_EXTRA_NEED_USER_CONRIFM=true, INTENT_EXTRA_REQUEST=1}
12-18 10:23:59.503 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: executor, state : DISMISS_PROGRESS
12-18 10:23:59.503 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: onPause
12-18 10:23:59.506 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddMobilePlanPreference: onFragmentPause
12-18 10:23:59.519 30620 30620 I NU.EsimDefaultDpAddress: defaultDpAddress : [{"salesCode":"ACG","serverList":["lpa.ds.gsma.com","lpa.live.esimdiscovery.com"],"serverType":"DS","name":"C Spire"},{"salesCode":"CCT","serverList":["lpads.vzw.otgeuicc.com"],"serverType":"DS","name":"Xfinity Mobile"},{"salesCode":"VZW","serverList":["lpads.vzw.otgeuicc.com"],"serverType":"DS","name":"Verizon"},{"salesCode":"USC","serverList":["lpa.ds.gsma.com","lpa.live.esimdiscovery.com"],"serverType":"DS","name":"US Cellular"},{"salesCode": "XAA","serverList": ["lpa.live.esimdiscovery.com"],"serverType": "DS","name": "Open"},{"salesCode":"TMB","serverList":["T-MOBILE.GDSB.NET","rsp-4008.idemia.io"],"serverType":"FB","name":"T-Mobile"},{"salesCode":"TMK","serverList":["T-MOBILE.GDSB.NET","rsp-4008.idemia.io"],"serverType":"FB","name":"Metro by T-Mobile"},{"salesCode":"ATT","serverList":["cust-001-v4-prod-atl2.gdsb.net"],"serverType":"FB","name":"AT&T"}]
12-18 10:23:59.546 30620 30620 I NU.EsimServiceProviderPreferenceCategory: onAttached, PreferenceCount : 0
12-18 10:23:59.549 30620 30620 I NU.EsimChooseServiceProviderFragment: onViewCreated
12-18 10:23:59.560 30620 30620 I NU.EsimChooseServiceProviderFragment: onResume, mIsFinishPending : false
12-18 10:23:59.562 30620 30620 I NU.EsimDynamicPreferenceCategory: onDetached
12-18 10:23:59.563 30620 30620 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: onResume
12-18 10:23:59.566 30620 30746 I NU.EsimAddViewModel: onAvailable


At which point the screen changes and gives me a list of network providers to choose from, or the option to add an esim manually with a QR code (which i tried, and which airalo gave me). Unfortunately, adding with a QR code also times out after two minutes, after changing its state to EID_SEARCHING. 

At this point, the logging statements aren't being picked up with any google searches, so I'm sort of stuck as I've reached the end of my knowledge as to what android is doing under the hood :shrug: 

Galaxy S23

I had the same issue. Took the same actions that you did but it was still hanging.

Eventually what worked for me was turning off all the "lock esim settings"...Samsung s23

Red Giant
Galaxy S23
Travel eSIMs like Airalo do not work correctly on US variants. This is because one primary SIM must be used for all three functions (calls, texts, and cellular data).