Original topic:

Modes and Routines turning on automatically

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

Modes try to turn on automatically even when they aren't trying to meet a condition. I had my regular work mode set location based and it would turn on whenever it detected I was changing modes. Even when I switched and messed around with arrival and departing. I ended up making it time based and it somehow wanted to turn on even when it wasn't meeting a time condition?! Today is Sunday (not a day set for work) and it's 3am right now, the conditions are met from 7am-5pm... Wonder if this is happening to anyone else?

3 Replies
Red Giant
Galaxy S24
Do you have more than one trigger condition? Modes and Routines handle this differently.

Modes trigger using Boolean OR logic. This means that if any one of the triggering conditions is true, the Mode will run regardless of whether or not the other conditions are also true. Modes work well if you have multiple alternate possible triggers - for example a Mode that mutes the phone at a doctor's office, so it has a list of several different doctor office locations as possible triggers.

Routines use Boolean AND logic. This means that ALL the trigger conditions must be true before the Routine will run. Routines are best when you want something to run under specific precise conditions - for example, run at a certain time, but only if you're also at a specific location.

I suggest setting up your desired work functions as a Routine instead of a Mode and see if that works better for you.
Galaxy S24
I only have a specified time set as the current condition.1716720848997.jpg
Red Giant
Galaxy S24
I'd still try doing this as a Routine to see if that works better. I've had problems with some Modes not turning off when they should and it's possible that there are other issues with them.