Original topic:

Samsung Internet hijacks default browser

(Topic created: 2 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24

My Galaxy S24 Ultra uses Firefox as the default internet browser.

Some apps give an option to open a website. If I choose one of those options, rather than opening Firefox, the Samsung Internet welcome screen opens. When I look at my Firefox settings or the phone's settings, Firefox is no longer the default browser. Samsung Internet has taken over as default.

I cannot uninstall Samsung Internet from my S24 Ultra, however I was able to uninstall the updates. My Tab S9 Ultra allowed me to uninstall it completely.

Any suggestions on how to prevent Samsung Internet from hijacking the default browser are deeply appreciated.


2 Replies
Galaxy S24
I use 1DM plus for my default browser. I downloaded a CSP brush pack from a guy I follow on X/Twitter, it downloaded via Samsung Internet! šŸ¤” If it keeps up, notify Samsung and maybe even Firefox, there might be an issue.
Galaxy S24
Not sure.. about Firefox but google chrome works as default browser for me. Even in the apps.