Original topic:

Wifi 7 bugs

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Galaxy S24
Please fix Wifi 7 on the S24 Ultra. I have a $800 Asus be98 pro router. Every day it shows connected and in reality data stops working. Everything looks fine. Just no data. Disable and re-enable and its fine. I have other Wifi 7 devices with ZERO issue. Only the s24 ultra. This is everyday. Multiple times a day. I will be playing a game and suddenly dropped. Wifi shows it's fine but no data. Asus says it's Samsung. The fact that not a single other device has issue leads me to believe it's the phone. Asus's forums are full of these complaints. 
1 Reply
Galaxy S24

Plus 1 following, wifi 7 disconnected every few seconds repeatedly, never stable, will not drop to wifi6.


I have an expensive netgear router and no other device has this issue.

I have to use my guest wifi which is terrible