Original topic:

Samsung Flip3 Woes

(Topic created: Friday)
Fold & Flip Phones

Hello to whomever reads this.

I have been having a really really difficult time with my luck with situations with Samsung Flip 3 phone.  My current issue with my phone is where the hinge is located the screen has completely blacked out - and the blackness is slowly spreading into both the upper and lower screen - the upper screen is unresponsive... the lower screen is at times responsive but also very very difficult to use if not impossible at times.  Long story short, I have been passed around between At&t to Asuran - then from Asuran to Samsung back to Asuran through UBreakIfix - then back to Samsung because they couldn't do what Samsung informed they could do - then got ahold of Asuran while with UBreakIfix - the guy at UbreakIfix ordered parts for me so i don't have to travel roughly 40 minutes to the nearest UbreakIfix with the parts.

-----The phone game stuff is a long struggle - we all know it and I think most of us genuinely really despise being passed around constantly.  Anyway - Asuran tech flat out tells me hey this is a very well known Samsung FlipPhone problem we see all the time - maybe you'll have better luck with what you seek through them - not only that At&t tech admits yes people come in all the time with this exact same problem on their flip and fold phones.   Anyway - I finally get around to questioning Samsung about the 1 year warrenty - and how they can explain so many hinges wearing out on so many other users phones and why they don't feel like there is some sort of onus on this situation.  I was met with the same repeated message over and over about how this is not something the technician can handle. I give up with the call.

Go to Samsungs live support talk to them a bit about asking to file a complaint - they then lure me into the conversation I've already had about 20 times on the exact same topic with four different companies (three if you count the connection to ubreakifix to asuran.) they finally get to the solutions part - they tell me Hey we can have you phone looked at with cost to you by technicians at UBreakIFix (which has already said they can do nothing on the samsung end.) --- or we can sell you a new 24S at less price.  Me, naturally frustrated at this point reminds them - I am looking for the proper avenue to file a complaint - can you file this complaint for me - they say no, but suggest I come here so here I am!

And now the background - I bought my first Flip 3 phone approximately 3 years ago - to be exact technically 34 months - I think after the first month or second month of owning the phone I had a dead pixel develop in the upper screen that was fading out the around it and I had to go through the nightmare of dealing with Asuran and Samsung tech support - eventually someone decided to help me - got me to a UbreakIfix that was well out of my way but I bit my tongue and just dealt with it -  after maybe about six months the screen protector starts having issues where it starts removing at the crease - i put up with it for probably about 9-10 months after that by this point this screen protectors practically falling off - and yes several times did i try to find proper avenues to get it put back on but dealt with this run around again - was finally getting close to just settling a time to go to ubreakifix myself again and just figuring it out in person - i stupidly left the phone on my desk at work - a coworker knocked it off my desk it landed on the hinge - screen was ruined beyond all heck.  I took responsibility for that one - I said to myself okay I'll pay the replacement fee - shouldn't have left my phone alone.  Got the new phone - this phone.
Besides it not liking to always hook up to my bluetooth for some reason - I had a geniunely okay time with it until two days ago in which these phantom lines appeared.  This phone was not exposed to water or physical damage at all.  It was left on my dining room table - I have no children or pets that could have done anything to it - and at the time i first opened it had this thin black line going across the middle - then i start the process i mention above... through all the calls I have made and times I have open and closed the phone this phone now has 80% visibility of the front of it.

So what am I complaining about - well this last situation that has no explainable damage prompted me to reach out and multiple places told me this is a common Samsung problem - i reach back out to Samsung, "Hey, do you guys only expect your phone to last 14 months with common use."  "No?" "Okay, so why don't you repair this...."  "Ah, its outside the 12 month warranty...."  ----this.... is the biggest screw you I can feel as a consumer - a company that I have faithfully used products for over 12 years... such as TVs, Ovens, Microwaves and a plethora of phones (One that still works for like 8 years to this day, just has a very tiny battery life now) is basically telling me this isn't our problem because while our stuff is faulty and everyone knows it we don't care.

So this is my complaint - reaching out to anyone working for Samsung to either explain why your customer relations have gone so far down hill --- for a product that should work way better then it does.... and why can't Samsung take the Onus.

I apologize if I seem overly spicy - this has been a pretty depressing and dismal experience that I really - never ever what to have again.  It has me questioning if it is time for me to stop my support and switch over to apple(which im not really a fan of) or other technology oriented companies when it comes time - because if this is the way it is going to be - I prioritize relationship and quality over whatever -this- is.

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