Original topic:

Text auto-deleting when fixing typos...

(Topic created: yesterday)
Fold & Flip Phones
When I see I have a typo in something I've written, I'll click/drag the cursor to where the typo is, and the moment I type a new letter anywhere from 1 letter to 2 words to the right of that cursor will disappear. Am I the only one experiencing this? It doesn't happen every time, but maybe 25% of the time. I though I was just accidentally highlighting a letter or two or making contact with 2 parts of the screen at the same time causing it to highlight letters and my new keystroke replacing that, but after testing it out that isn't happening.

I'll type out: That's not hat the
Click to where the missing 'w' is: That's not |hat the
Then type 'w': That's not w|at the
And then I have a missing 'h'. That's not wat the

I feel like I'm losing my mind. lol. Is it related to the AI auto correct thinking the new keypress is a different word and not an alteration of the existing word? It reminds me of when I accidentally hit the INSERT button on my keyboard and start overwriting letters instead of adding. I'm at a loss, but it's really fkn annoying.

It happens on the stock keyboard and Gboard. I've posted on the GalaxyFold subreddit, and others have confirmed having the same issue. Any help would help!

1 Reply
Fold & Flip Phones
That used to happen to me quite a lot and still does occasionally, I can't quite think of a specific scenario or the exact cause but I'll come back and reply if something does ring a bell