Original topic:

Turn off notifications in notifications center but keep badge notifications on

(Topic created: 3 weeks ago)
Fold & Flip Phones

I am really struggling with this Flip 6 phone and the notifications. I've googled how to resolve and to my knowledge, I believe I've done what is suggested regarding notifications yet I'm still struggling.

  1. I turn off notifications I don't want on the notifications center but then I'm not receiving ANY notifications on the badge. If I turn on the notifications, I'm getting so many unnecessary notifications but NONE on the badge even though I've selected to show on the badge only. (i.e., Facebook. I ONLY want the badge to show new posts but the badge shows nothing). Multiply this same scenario by about 15 or so. The only way I can get my badges to maybe show anything is to turn the notifications back on and constantly clear them in my notification center. 
  2. I have 3 gmail addresses (1 personal, 1 for my junk mail, 1 for job searching). I ONLY want what's in my personal email to show in the notifications. Unfortunately, because I've selected to add my other 2 emails to this phone so I can quickly switch between accounts as necessary, I'm not getting notifications from all three gmail accounts. How can this be resolved so that I can only see 1 email account notifications?
1 Reply
Fold & Flip Phones
Have you enabled notification categories and disabled the notification categories you wish to ignore? You can enable notification categories in Settings>Notifications>Advanced settings>Manage notification categories for each app. You can then go to Settings>Apps>Gmail>Notifications>Notification categories, where you can configure your Gmail notifications as you would like.