Original topic:

Missing Buds3 Pro

(Topic created: yesterday)
Galaxy Buds
I purchased new buds and received them on 08 August. Sent them in on 18 September for repair and never received them back. Contacted CEO office and was told label sent to me had wrong return address and they are lost because of that. Contacted the person where the buds were sent and learned from them that they received 2 pairs of buds which were not theirs. Bith of us were given the same repair number on 2 separate days. Anyone else missing their buds?
1 Reply
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Hello, sgt1945.
Welcome to the Community. The community operates on a peer-to-peer support model. While our members offer valuable insights and assistance, certain inquiries are best supported by a Samsung directly.

That being said, as a moderator, I’m happy to provide you with any guidance and assistance were needed! Please feel free to send a private message to any of the moderators with your transaction number and details, and we’ll do our best to help!