Original topic:

Noise in buds 2 pro mic and got to a new problem after replacement. No response from customer care and not returned my buds.

(Topic created: 06-23-2024 04:32 PM)
Mani N
Galaxy Buds

Hi, I just bought my samsung buds 2 pro for my galaxy s23 ultra 40 days ago, usually I just use my right bud all the time, after 2 or 3 weeks of buying the buds I used my left bud during a call, and it started picking wind noise in a silent room and my friend in call complaining to stop travelling in call. It felt weird and I tried diagnosis and realised that the left is picking up noise all the time.

I got to the store to get it checked and they took the buds sent for servicing and replaced the buds inside the case. I started testing when I took the buds in the store only, it stopped picking up the noise but started a buzz noise in the ear. 

I asked them about that and they sent the buds back again, and returned it back the next day. And the defect is not rectified, and I asked what happened?? And,  they are sorry "it was a mistake will get it sorted again". And I left my buds again with them.

And now I got a call from a case manger saying "the buds are working fine according to the standards and I am returning the buds, and you have to take it" and I don't have an option and it's been 4 days and I didn't get them back yet. What should I do and whom do I contact??

2 Replies
Red Giant
Galaxy Buds
Call them back and say you want your buds back. Maybe she went on a holiday and couldn't return them to you. Do you have the option to find your buds in the find my or Samsung find app? I hope I'm understanding this correctly, if not sorry.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Galaxy Buds

Thanks for reaching out. Support for US products is the focus of this forum. As your device is a non-US model information is severely limited. We kindly suggest that you use this link to look for a support team in the area your product was manufactured in: https://www.samsung.com/us/common/visitlocation.html

Additionally, if you scroll to the bottom of the page on the website for your region, you might discover that your nation provides its very own support forums, just like this one! Just look for the Community Option.
