Original topic:

Album Covers Gone Again...

(Topic created: a month ago)
Galaxy Note Phones
Well it just happened FYI ...I brought this up about a month or two ago regarding my Samsung built-in Gallery 'Cover Images' getting reset & basically erasing all of my individualized Cover Images for each Album I have every time the app gets updated I'm assuming. But it just reset ALL OF MY ALBUM COVER PHOTOS so that was a total & complete waste of ALOT OF TIME I had spent setting each Album over photo so I could quickly tell which Album I'm navigating without looking at the album name.
This sucks but this is the 3rd rime it's done this to me. I won't be doing it a 4th until u all fix it. If ya don't fix it, then u may as well just get rid of the ability or opt to cuz it makes the whole feature pointless pretty much when ua don't save or retain these after ppl spend time setting em all, ya feel me?! But pls just get rid of it since it don't work right ur atleast put up a notification telling us this ain't gonna stay like we want next time it's updated so we get the choice to not aaste a bunch if time.
2 Replies
Galaxy Note Phones
I feel ya. They keep switching so much **bleep** that it gets so co fusing.
Galaxy Note Phones
You can bypass it by changing the date of the photo you want to use as the cover photo. The photo automatically selected the most recent photo in that album, so change the cover photo date to a date in the far future (see my example). The photo description still contains the original date, so you won't forget it.SmartSelect_20240610_025840_Gallery_1000022000_1718002887.jpgSmartSelect_20240610_025910_Gallery_1000022001_1718002901.jpg