Original topic:

**bleep** is wrong with today's tech

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy Note Phones
1st off I don't know why the **bleep** I'm sent to Samsung **bleep** when I clicked to contact someone from my AOL email. Why does AOL email not work right? For months now I keep sending the same exact trash emails to spam. AOL sends me notifications saying from now on all those emails I've selected will automatically go to my spam box. BUT GUESS WHAT??? ITS ALL A BS LIE because dozens of times everyday I still keep getting emails from the same dam addresses.. If this is a scam from AOL, Samsung or Google. Then so help me I will file a lawsuit against each of them. I will not pay for a spam blocker for an email I have been using well over 30 years. It is out of control and I am out of patience. If these apps don't start functioning the way they were designed to work then I will take things into my own hands and simply burn down Amy building holding the computers systems that relentlessly send out these scam emails meant to steal people's information and money. I WILL BURN DOWN EVERY DAM BUILDING I FIND IN THIS WORLD UNTIL I AM CAUGHT OR KILLED. So whatever lowlife scum reading this and has the ability to right these wrongs. I highly suggest you get to work and earn your dam paychecks and fix the problems. I no longer give a **bleep** what happens to me but I promise before I take my last breath in this world. The people responsible will suffer if this **bleep** doesn't stop
2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy Note Phones

I don't know why you were directed here either (by whom?), as Samsung has nothing to do with any of the mail service providers. This is strictly an AOL issue. Spammers, like scam callers, use multiple domains and email addresses. The spam filter in email goes by the routing information. Just because the sender's address remains the same in the email header, it's the underlying routing by which the filter works. You have to expand the header information to see if the routing is the same. This is why spoofed emails can have an address like admin@amazon.com, but really be coming from scam@hahaonyou.ru

Honored Contributor
Galaxy Note Phones
AOL is not samsung