Original topic:

Feature Request: Bring back way to remotely unlock Phone.

(Topic created: 4 hours ago)
Galaxy S Phones

The fact that there is no way to unlock my phone without a factory reset is ridiculous. I understand the security concern, but many people have this issue. I know 100% I am not the only one dealing with this. I've done hours of research only to be led, over and over, to the same articles carelessly suggesting I remove years worth of memories and information just to unlock the **bleep** phone. It seems almost purposeful on Samsung's end as I am close to just getting a new phone. The purpose of this post is not to accuse however. I would just like to express my frustration. People forget things, especially when you're not required to use the pattern on every unlock. I am just suggesting a way be added to remotely unlock my Samsung device, especially because I have countless ways to prove I own the device.

4 Replies
Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones

You have to use your credentials every 72 hours or after every restart of the phone.  How on earth do you forget your unlock code?  At the very least write it down somewhere.

Galaxy S Phones

I agree with you completely, there should be no way to forget it. And yes you should absolutely write it down. For me it was muscle memory and I never forgot it. Just one morning I went to unlock my phone and it just didn't work. I kept trying and ultimately I've been locked out for a long time now. From another standpoint, phones are products marketed towards human beings, who make mistakes and forget things. My request is that they make the product ever so slightly more forgiving. 

Honored Contributor
Galaxy S Phones
Yeah, i guess abandoning the renote unlock was not the greatest idea. They had already gotten rid of it by the time I came on board.

As long as you have a backup, though, resetting the phone shouldn't cause any losses. It's an inconvenience, for sure, but it makes it infinitemy easier than starting from scratch.
Cosmic Ray
Galaxy S Phones
If you accidentally delete your Bluetooth connection to your Galaxy watch like I did today. It literally forces you to reset the watch. And you have to hope that your watch backed up because you can't even manually start a backup. Samsung was the most praised company for their software and letting you do whatever you want with their phone. Now they're just a pile of **bleep** objectively worse than Apple. Especially when they take away features that aren't even reliable on a mainframe like the AI people are going to be paying money for in another year....