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My ideas for future technology and smartphones.

(Topic created: 7 hours ago)
Galaxy S Phones
Samsung needs to focus on developing its unique phone features instead of copying other companies. They should prioritize creating affordable high-tech smartphones with distinctive features while including smartphone chargers and other accessories in the box. This goes for all Android phone manufacturers. The emphasis should be on offering the best smartphones at reasonable prices without sacrificing any features and reintroducing elements that make smartphones enjoyable. The goal is to make phones enjoyable again, with improved features and apps that cater to mobile users. Furthermore, it is essential for all Android phones to be compatible and for battery performance to be enhanced. It is crucial to produce high-quality phones as it seems like Samsung is not paying attention to customer feedback, while other companies like OnePlus are more responsive. Therefore, creating high-end affordable technology, developing a unique and special user interface without merely imitating others, and focusing on making smartphones enjoyable again are all advised for other phone companies as well. The aim is to create smartphones and new phone technology that will enhance the capabilities of other smartphones and incorporate security features and a cleaning mode to improve smartphone performance. Additionally, companies should refrain from charging for features that are already available on the phone, such as AI. Lastly, while foldable phones are an interesting concept, it is important to focus on advancements that truly enhance the user experience. Here are some suggestions like developing a more affordable and compact S24 Ultra with a new cooling system and other community-desired features in Android. The focus should be on making technology and smartphones enjoyable again.
2 Replies
Galaxy S Phones

 The 'copying' you are referring to is part of advancement of tech. Apple and Samsung came to this conclusion years ago. Samsung software is far superb, or else they would have to use better hardware, which in the past they weren't allowed to as ruled in a court of law use their own newest tech for the first year after development.

If someone else makes the phone for you and Samsung doesn't, why aren't you over in their members app instead?

Galaxy S Phones
The more high-end a device is, the less affordable it is due to advanced hardware and development (you get what you pay for, and the only free cheese is in the mousetrap). Samsung used to include wall chargers with every new phone and we consumers complained that we still have the ones that came with the previous phone. It was a waste of money: so Samsung eliminated it. Consumers have no shortage of places we can go to buy a good, inexpensive wall charger. Development of things like AI are ongoing and, again, developers like to eat - those people who want to enjoy the benefits of AI can expect to pay a reasonable fee for it (and those of us who don't want AI should be able to turn it off). One UI is a user interface overlaid atop Android: every new version of Android comes with streamlined behaviors and features - so manufacturers fine tune their devices to them. Lastly, I don't understand how you feel that smartphones aren't enjoyable - I've been using smartphones for 15 years and each year new enhancements make them more enjoyable than the year before. I'm just not sure how many people you're going to find who will be sympathetic to your complaints. I hope you find what you're looking for, however.